Kinetic 2023.2.4 Data Directive BPMs Read Only (Locked)

So we are testing 2023.2 in a test environment and one of our Bartender BPMs was not working while testing…And I get this message (Yes I am added to the security groups for both method and data directives as well as I am in the owning company of the BPM)

Then I was trying to recreate the BPM to see if that would work and I do not have access to this condition:

It shows up in the BPM that was transferred from 2021.1 but now it no longer shows up when selecting a condition. I have access to every option that I can in Kinetic. Is there something I am missing in 2023.2? Anyone else having this issue? I did not have this problem when we had our test environment in 2023.1 and I was testing out BPMs. I have also tried on both the browser as well as the client with no luck.

I reached out to Epicor and they seem confused themselves.


I saw this too, then I opened the same directive in classic and it was fine. I haven’t had the time to report it but seems like a kinetic issue?


Yep I just figured this one out a few minutes ago…I tried to only do data directive as classic but would throw an error so I had to do the entire BPM folder to launch from classic.

I had noticed this in K2023 but have not gotten around to asking about it . In 2023.2 there is a new access group(s) . Similar to when they came out with Functions, you had to add users to this group to access them ??

Was actually going to ask what a Data Fabric Administrator is for. :thinking:


I saw the Security Groups note, is access group different ?

They spoke about that during another session at insights. You can google Data Fabric to find out more about what they are.

So a Data Fabric Administrator has access to … ??? in Epicor

They probably haven’t released the features yet and added the security groups prematurely for their own testing is how I would imagine this got this way.

Read only can be directives that contain some elements that are not yet implemented in browser.

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I tried both in the client as well as the browser and if it was launched with the Kinetic UI with no luck of being able to edit the BPM

It probably contains something that is not implemented in the version you use. Create new directive in browser and you will see what is avaialble in the moment

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It contains the condition I have posted originally which I think is an issue…Updating/Adding/Deleting a row from a table as a trigger is a staple to many BPMs so I am unsure why Epicor would not have this implemented in the latest version 2023.2 for Kinetic!

Moving BPM designer is huge amount of work, so it is done gradually.
In 2024.1 I think we will have all supported actions/conditions.

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Part 2: Epicor - Data as a Service (


Thanks Mark

So just now upgrading to 2023.2… is there no work around other than just use Classic for BPMs?

Currently on 2024.1 in our test environment soon to go live with it in our production environment and can confirm you still have to use Classic for CREATION of the BPMs to not lose certain conditions. The BPMs will still fire in the kinetic views