Kinectic Application Studio - Iterate Dataview rows to update values

I am trying to update some values in the selected data view rows by iterating the rows one by one. how it can be done?

I believe there is some limited ability to do this in Application Studio, but it might be best to call
a function to do this for you.

Could you explain more specifically what you are trying to do so we can advise you better?

1- Write a custom event with no trigger (“User Defined Action”) that will do what you want done on each row (for example, your row-update)
2- In your button’s OnClick event, use the dataview-condition widget, like so:

3- Your custom event’s row-update should look something like this:

Hi Kevin,

In New PO Suggestion screen , buyer will search & select the lines of same requisition no in the datagrid then they have to update their name one by one of the each selected rows. what I want to achieve is when the buyer update their name in the first selected rows automatically rest of the lines should get updated with the same buyer name.

Dear Hugo,

Thanks for the suggestion, I tried but the row is not updating



The “O” is lowercase.

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You’re also going to want to set your global variable to the buyerID, not the name, then set matches.BuyerID. The value of the combo is the ID–the name is only the display and will show according to the ID set.