Hi all, We just went live on E11 Cloud a few weeks ago from Epicor 9. In Epicor 9 we used Insite Manifest and had a small customization done to our database so we could have a Bill of Lading that was useful to our carriers. Now that we are in E11 Cloud we are using Quick Ship and the Bill of Lading has some things we need to see on the BOL but is missing some fields too. There is no way to customize it like we did in E9. The BOL in E11 is very generic. So I am wondering what others are doing for a complete BOL to give to their Carriers. Please let me know. I am interested in what you are doing different.
@JillMetalworks - Is the BOL coming from Quick Ship, or Epicor? What fields do you need to add? I’d pop in a ticket with EpiCare, now that QSP is under the Epicor umbrella.
We just upgraded from 10.2.700 to 2021.2.8, and are still on Manifest, but we’re testing the latest version of QSP and are getting lots of little things stopping progress. I’m sure they’ll all be resolved, eventually, but it feels like two steps forward, one step back.
@JillMetalworks - is your Quick Ship in the cloud or on premise? . I think the question you are asking is can you get changes done to your database in Quick Ship? I would imagine it would be able to if you are on prem, might be a bit harder in the cloud. On prem we have access to the Crystal Reports .rpt files can would be able to update the report as needed as long as the data you need is available.
Sorry for the late reply to this. Upgrading to Epicor 11 in the Cloud is not for the faint of heart:>) The BOL is coming from QuickShip and we want the BOL comments which usually come from the Master Pack Shipment screen on the Header > Comments tab. We also want the correct NMFC codes and Carrier contact information and the Customer_CustID. Epicor is telling me we cannot import additional fields from E11 into the Quick Ship database. Our Epicor 11 database is in the cloud and our Quick Ship database is OnPrem. Just not sure what to do. Any suggestions would be welcomed.