Joining fields from two tables isn't saving

I am trying to join Erp.QuoteHed with the Erp.Task table and when I test the query it returns results however when I save it and go back into the BAQ the join disappears. Is this due to the fields not lining up for some reason?

I have the QuoteHed.QuoteNum = Task.TaskQuoteNum fields set correctly I think but I am just wondering if the join between Erp.QuoteHed.QuoteNum and Erp.QuoteDtl.QuoteNum is causing the issue? As I am also trying to match the QuoteNum from QuoteHed to the TaskQuoteNum from Task.

Why are you joining the task to the customer? A quote is already tied to a customer (that’s on the quite head though, I don’t know why/how you are joining it to the quote detail.)
Also the quite number is on the detail table, just just use the field that’s in that table.

While it does work, and it sometimes necessary, it’s actually pretty rare to need a triangle like that in a query. It doesn’t look to me like you need that.

Okay for more context, on the Task table we are filtering the TaskSeqNum and Complete fields for a specific task sequence number which is completed. The sequence number 120 is equal to a specific task which is assessing the client, once the complete box is ticked in that specific task the client has been assessed, we are filtering for all those clients that fit those criteria.

This is the join between the two.

Are you saying to remove that join and join Erp.Task directly to Erp.QuoteHed?

This is the join between QuoteHed and QuoteDtl:

I understand now.

I took the task and customer join away and joined straight to the quoteHed table.

I was getting duplication of records and didn’t quite understand why but as QuoteNum was already being joined to the QuoteHed table it was duplicating the record as there is another process in there that assigns line numbers based on opportunities and it was doubling up the record.

Thank you for your explanation!