We are looking at displaying in a big screen at the factory a real time job status, we’ll only need the basic job details like job#, start hour, date, etc. Any suggestions on how we can do this?
I’m very new to Epicor and I’m not sure if it’s possible to create an auto refresh BAQ and put it in a dashboard?
We do this. It started small but now there are giant flat screens everywhere. Management loves it.
We use Microsoft Power BI to display the data now, but the first version was a simple Epicor dashboard, it worked fine.
The data for active labor transactions lives in the LaborDtl table. It should have all the data you are looking for and then some. Job #, Start date/time, operator, operation, etc.
Given below is the BAQ Query phrase that we use for a related purpose. You can try that. You can use it in a dashboard and set that to auto refresh.
This is not a real query being executed, but a simplified version for general vision.
Executing it with any other tool may produce a different result.
[JobHead].[PartNum] as [JobHead_PartNum],
[JobHead].[JobNum] as [JobHead_JobNum],
[JobOpDtl].[ResourceID] as [JobOpDtl_ResourceID],
[JobHead].[CreateDate] as [JobHead_CreateDate],
[JobHead].[StartDate] as [JobHead_StartDate],
[JobHead].[DueDate] as [JobHead_DueDate],
[LaborDtl].[ClockInDate] as [LaborDtl_ClockInDate],
[JobHead].[ProdQty] as [JobHead_ProdQty],
[JobHead].[QtyCompleted] as [JobHead_QtyCompleted],
(JobHead.ProdQty - JobHead.QtyCompleted) as [Calculated_QtyRemain],
[JobHead].[JobComplete] as [JobHead_JobComplete],
[JobHead].[Candidate] as [JobHead_Candidate],
[JobHead].[JobClosed] as [JobHead_JobClosed],
[JobHead].[JobCompletionDate] as [JobHead_JobCompletionDate],
[JobHead].[ClosedDate] as [JobHead_ClosedDate],
[JobOpDtl].[ResourceGrpID] as [JobOpDtl_ResourceGrpID],
[JobHead].[StartHour] as [JobHead_StartHour],
[JobHead].[DueHour] as [JobHead_DueHour]
from Erp.JobHead as JobHead
left outer join Erp.LaborDtl as LaborDtl on
JobHead.Company = LaborDtl.Company
and JobHead.JobNum = LaborDtl.JobNum
inner join Erp.JobOpDtl as JobOpDtl on
JobHead.Company = JobOpDtl.Company
and JobHead.JobNum = JobOpDtl.JobNum
where (JobHead.JobClosed = 0)
You can generate the data using a BAQ and the Epicor Rest API
I wrote a handler in Visual Studio to take the data and put it into Google Charts to generate the output Google charts are free and relatively easy to use.
Interesting. We currently use ZAPBI for our sales reports which then I think we can also use this for the Job details/LaborDtl. I am not just sure if there is an auto page refresh in ZAPBI though.
When you were using the Epicor dashboard, did you go by BAQ then ticked the refresh interval? So then, it will give me a real time status of jobs running?
Easy to install, configure, and use yup. Things can sometimes have idiosyncrasies with them but you get through them and the rest is a breeze. Security concerns, always, but in our case it’s locked to internal network only. If you want on web available outside your facilities then I would perform due diligence. I’m not sure how secure their user auth is or the service as a whole, never looked too deep into it since we’re internal only.
This is for production for a part that has 3 separate operations. On the left, for each op, is a grid that shows current running jobs, with info like operator, resource, part, job qty/start time, etc.
Hey Garret,
How do I find what the active jobs are? When looking into the LaborDtl I only see the completed clocked into jobs. We are in the infancy stages of using PowerBi.
Active Labor Transactions (Production Activity started, not yet ended) are in LaborDtl also. There is even a True/False field to help you identify them: LaborDtl.ActiveTrans