I’m struggling with a couple of the processes within Epicor and i’m hoping someone can help me out.
Regarding Jobs, if we have a product that we stock but also manufacture is there a method in Epicor where the Order Release checks the stock level before submitting a Make To Order Job? If there is not enough stock to fulfil the line then manufacture the remaining?
With regards to Sales Kits, is there anyway around the RMA process as id like to return a sales kit as the Sales Kit Code not the components?
What i am trying to achieve here is; we may have 100 Order Lines and all of the Parts need labelling if a certain customer orders them (if it isn’t that customer then they do not need labels applying) I don’t want to create 100 jobs as i need them all to go out together on the same delivery so i thought Sales Kits were the answer but if the Sales Kit is returned to us then it needs to stay as the Sales Kit Part Code as we don’t want to undo the labelling.
Hopefully someone has crossed these issues before.
No that’s not how it works - if you have nonstock checked on the part then the release will be flagged make direct and you’ll get a make direct job suggestion even if you have stock. If you do not have nonstock checked on the part, the the release will not be flagged make direct, and if you don’t have enough stock you’ll get a make to stock job suggestion.
I don’t think you can stock sales kits, at least I don’t know of a setting that enables that. Only the components are stocked in our system. The sales kit is essentially just a construct for pricing and paperwork. All inventory transactions are for the components not the kit so only the components can be returned to stock.
Regarding Jobs, if we have a product that we stock but also manufacture is there a method in Epicor where the Order Release checks the stock level before submitting a Make To Order Job? If there is not enough stock to fulfil the line then manufacture the remaining
Running MRP on the part sort of does what you need, except I think you need to pass the part through inventory in order for it to consider inventory or make a job when none in stock. You will get an unfirm job to make to stock to ship on order if none in stock. You will pull from stock if there’s some in stock.
I doubt it will work. The issue is, say you have releases on two separate orders for 50 EA. You have 50 on hand. How will your BPM know which release should be set to make direct=false? It will set both, then you will get a job suggestion to make 50 more to stock.
What are you really trying to do? Is it really a nonstock part and you only want job suggestions to make it direct to the job? Or is it really a stocked part and you want job suggestions to replenish your on hand inventory?
If its a temporary situation of having some stock on hand for a non-stock part, just use job manager to break the links and pull those orders from inventory.
If there is stock for a Part we can manufacture then we want to use stock from inventory. If there isn’t enough stock then a job needs creating. we cant really use Job Manager as we do not have the staff capacity to monitor Jobs as they are only 8% of the business.
Ideally we would like a more automated solution so Jobs are created when required based upon stock.
Currently we just create all required jobs every other day and print all job traveller’s and they get built over the next 2 days. 2 days later we run the same process. This ends up leaving available stock sat around whilst it gets manufactured again.
So if its a stock part then you don’t mark the order releases make direct, you just fill from stock. If there isn’t enough stock to fulfill the demand, MRP will generate a job suggestion to replenish your stock. All you have to do at that point is firm the job (and manufacture it) and then fill the order from stock.