We have inventory transaction to a job. There are a total of 11 issued. The job only shows 10. Where did the extra 1 part go? Anyone experience this before? We are trying to return material that isn’t there.
Can you screenshot the job material line transaction grid from Job Tracker. Does it show any additional transaction types?
New question would be how to return this material to inventory.
You should be able to go to Return Material, select the Material Line that it WAS issued to, then change the Part Number for the transaction.
Hello Ken,
One nice thing, or one bad thing, depending on your perspective, is that Epicor allows you to issue any part to a Job BOM line as long as it has the same UOM.
In environments where we don’t know the whole bill of materials upfront, we’ve set up generic parts to take whatever parts are used.
So this was just accidental. You have to do a little more to issue the wrong part, but it lets you.
If it doesn’t let you put in the bad part number, you may have to just change the job temporarily change the part number, return it, then change it back.