
Anyone know where this number comes from? Does it come from the labordtl qty’s?

I’m thinking it probably should, but I’m not sure I would trust it. At least back in the Epcicor 9 days, I believe we had issues using any sort of qty completed tally other than the labor records (LaborDtl) or part transactions (PartTran)

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Gotcha, was unaware of that. They have me trying to do a waste % report, but nothing is turning out real good. I’m thing garbage in, garbage out thing. But they wanted me to check on this particular number. Thanks for the info.

It is the quantity reported from the final operation. If no operation is marked as final then it is the quantity reported on the last operation.

Production quantity completed. Updated via JobOper write trigger. If JobOper is the “Final Operation” (see JobAsmbl.FinalOpr) then this is set equal to JobOper.QtyCompleted.

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