Job with No Demand but still has a production Qty

Has anyone seen this before?
I have a job with a demand of 6 pcs, but the Production qty is 8. This is a make to order job. The order is 6 pcs.
I cannot see what is driving the production qty to be 8
Anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you

Is there any scrap defined on material or operation.

No there is no scrap defined on material or operations.

Could someone have changed the quantity on the Sales Order AFTER the job had been created?

Does the part have a negative on hand quantity?

This is a make direct part and no there is no negative on hand qty.

The Sales order and job were created with a qty of 6 pcs Originally. Due to inventory issues, the Job was changed to 4 pcs and then the Sales Order was changed to 4 pcs. Could this somehow be driving the job to still recognize the 2 pcs?

Hi Nancy, check the Production Quantity in the Make to Order tab of the Job Entry main screen. This is where production quantity can be changed to differ from the Sales Order Qty.

This is the bazar thing, there is a 0 in that Production qty field but look at the Prod. qty at the top of the screen, it has a 2 in it.
I have deleted the demand off the job so it is not connected to the sales order and this is what I have. there is no demand in any of the make to order, make to stock or make to job tabs.

Once the job was originally created with 6 pieces, any changes to the Sales Order are NOT automatically passed down to the job. A suggestion is created to reduce the job (viewable in the Planning Workbench), but it does not happen unless a human tells it to.

Other than that, any changes to the job production quantity would have to have been manually done.

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Thank you Ernie, I do believe whatever was happeing with this job was human error.
to correct this problem I just completed & closed the job and then closed the line on the sales order and started from scratch.
Thank you!

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Check the COPARTS tab… someone might have added something there.

Same issue here, no Demand, Coparts, Scarp, but Prod Qty still stuck at 26… and any demand you add just adds to the total. So if I make 10 to stock it becomes 36 Prod Qty. We are running Kinetic 2021.2.5

Did you figure out what has happened here? I have the same issue today.