Job Type Calculated field

I’m trying to make a calculated field for job type using the Job prod table, but it doesn’t distinguish between make make to stock and make to job types. Guessing it doesn’t accept the IS NULL argument for target job num. Is there a better way to write this?

when JobProd.OrderNum = 0 AND JobProd.TargetJobNum IS NULL then ‘MTS’
when JobProd.OrderNum > 0 then ‘MTO’
else ‘MTJ’

Mr. Andrew: You could try using JobProd.TargetMtlSeq = 0 (that field will NEVER be zero for a Job Link) instead of the JobProd.TargetJobNum.

Also, I was able to use Len(JobProd.TargetJobNum) = 0 (my favorite trick to look for both Null and empty fields).


MtlSeq = 0 did the trick. Thank you.