Job to strip components of an RMA item back to inventory

That method works, except costing can be a real pain depending on your methods. By default the cost of the materials will be equally distributed across the parts produced. There is a ratio on the job part tab that can be used to influence it but it's not perfect.

From: [] On Behalf Of that_guyy
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 5:32 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Job to strip components of an RMA item back to inventory.

Here is what I used to do:
Create a multi-part Job (In Job Entry under the Parts tab), these would be the parts to go back into inventory. (in 9.05.700 is is called Co-Parts)
Add one operation to report any desired labor against the Job.
Add one material, the whole RMA'd Finished Good. (maybe optional in 605, I don't remember, I would add it anyways and remove it later if not needed).

Then on the Quality module side of things:
Fail the RMA in RMA disposition to DMR
In the DMR Accept the parts as Job Material to the Job and Mtl Seq you just created. The DMR will then be closed.

Strip the parts, report qty and/or time against the operation
Mfg receipt into stock, on this screen you will need to go to the `Parts' tab and enter your qtys to return to stock in the list.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Had a colleague ask me about a rare scenario that occurs from time to time at my last employer via email. I thought I would post the question and my solution here for group review and to perhaps help others with similar scenario's:

Can we create a job to strip components off a RMA returned finished good item, and then get those parts to go back into raw material inventory? The frame is the only bad component, all the hardware is fine and can be reused. The frame cannot be reused due to safety concerns and even if it could, it could not be repaired with all the components on it.
Here is what I used to do:
Create a multi-part Job (In Job Entry under the Parts tab), these would be the parts to go back into inventory. (in 9.05.700 is is called Co-Parts)
Add one operation to report any desired labor against the Job.
Add one material, the whole RMA'd Finished Good. (maybe optional in 605, I don't remember, I would add it anyways and remove it later if not needed).

Then on the Quality module side of things:
Fail the RMA in RMA disposition to DMR
In the DMR Accept the parts as Job Material to the Job and Mtl Seq you just created. The DMR will then be closed.

Strip the parts, report qty and/or time against the operation
Mfg receipt into stock, on this screen you will need to go to the `Parts' tab and enter your qtys to return to stock in the list.