I am finding a series of orders that mostly are all Ship By 1/26/24 that have a make direct job with a Job Req Date of 1/29/24. They are unfirmed, even…
There are a small number of orders with Ship By of 1/5/24 that also have a Job Req Date of 1/29/24. Not sure what’s going on or what to check. Is there anything that can force those dates not to match by default? I was under the impression (and have seen for years) that the Job Req Date = Ship By date by default. Any ideas?
I think this is a setting that is applied at the job level. In Job Entry, find “Sync Req By Date with Demand Links”. Also, under Site Maintenance > Detail > Planning.
I know I probably sound confusing… but I don’t actually want to check that. My goal is not to necessarily keep them in sync, but to start them in sync. We often change jobs around as required to help balance production or to make up for material shortages and so on. So we want to permit the job to be out of sync with the order… however, it should start out matching. And as far as I am aware, it is supposed to start out matching. But some of our jobs are not matching with our sales order releases and they haven’t been firmed yet - which means no one can be editing the job req date. These jobs are purely straight out of MRP.
Did you recently add any kind of prod standards into the MOM of these parts?
I saw some weird weekend scheduling stuff the last time I did this. Instead of looking at just the dates, look at the times associated with those dates, it might shed some light into what is going on, it did for me.
What value do you have in Site Maintenance → Detail → Planning for Backward Scheduling Start?
Do you recycle your unfirm jobs?
We do not. Tried it once upon a time… didn’t work for us.
So here’s the reason it jumps off the page. We only schedule production orders on Fridays. (Not including aftermarket stuff). So naturally, this caught someone’s attention when they saw that the job was planning for a Monday. Lo and behold, the order is on a Friday where they normally put it. What would I be looking for int he Production standard? I can review and see if anything was done recently…
Do you run finite?
We run it that way but all our resources should be infinite. Can that be overridden somewhere?
If none of your resources are finite, then it will not run finite.