I am tasked with creating a report that shows Job Release Dates among other information. It seems the only place that is recording that information now is in the change log. Since that text is not indexed it’s not easy to parse through it.
I tried creating a UDfield in JobHead and recording the Date there with a BPM, but the problem is our setup greys out everything after a job is engineered. So the BO prevents it from recording any information.
The only other option I can think of is creating a UDfield in a UD table and writing custom C# code to capture the date.
Has anyone done this or thought of a different way to accomplish this before?
We are on an earlier version, and it allows to select released and save, and the BPM will save a date into the field. I used a data directive on JobHead. on the condition that JobReleased field has been changed from false to true.
Thanks for your suggestion guys. Unfortunately, our business requires us to turn on Prevent Changes after Engineered Jobs in Company configuration(pictured below). And that makes the BO prevent any changes to JobHead fields, which includes UDfields.
I thought of that. The problem is when it’s engineered and when it’s released could be days or even weeks apart. And asking people to remember to un-engineer and then release leaves a lot of room for error.
Without code, couldn’t you set a BPM Hold at Release time. The BPMAttachment table holds the created date of the Hold. Unreleasing it would remove the hold and I believe that date is stored as well. That way, you would see how many times it was released and unreleased.
thanks for the example. This would be great starting pointing.
There were 3 of us there. I talked to many people not sure if you talked to me or another colleague.