Job Pick List ERROR -No Records Selected

I am attempting to print a job pick list, when I select ‘Print Preview’ the process returns an error of ‘No Records, Selected’:

I have selected the correct options and have the report filtered to a single job.
I have noticed that the process works with certain jobs but now with others and I am trying to figure out what I am missing on the jobs that will not print?

I believe that report only includes open Items. So if all materials have already been issued, there’s nothing to print. Run the Production Detail Report for the job to see if there’s anything open.


It’s a huge pet-peve of mine that this situation (“No Records Selected”) shows as an “error”. I’d prefer that reports still print out, but with a blank body, or with “No Records Selected” in the body.

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Has the job been completely issued?

I realized there was a lot of material but it all has required qty set to zero.

It has not been issued, but I realized the required qty for all material was at zero.

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