Job Material Not Showing as Issued in Job

We have this Job where 43 pieces of one material were allocated to a Job
The warehouse Issued 43 pieces to production initially and there was a mistake and they issued 3 more, and then for some other reason they returned 1 piece (see PIC 2 below)
As you can see in the snip below, the material is marked as Issued Complete (PIC 3)
but in the Job Tracker and Job Entry screens the green material flag is not showing (PIC 1 and 2)

I have a BPM that looks at the Issued Complete checkbox to notify the user if a material for a Job is not Issued Complete
On this Job the BPM is throwing even though it is marked as Issued Complete and the Issued Qty is greater than the required amount

Has anyone got any ideas why the green flag is not showing and why the BPM is throwing…




We had faced this issue, we returned all the materials which were issued previously and reissued, it worked fine. It has happens some time and not at all time, that makes it harder to identify the exact root cause.

I’ve since done a BAQ and it shows the part as not Issued, I’m not sure where the checkbox on the issuing screen is pulling it’s information from??

FWIW: If you run into this issue periodically and find you’re using this workaround, you can throw the IssuedComplete flag onto the material list view in job entry using a very simple customization so you can just check the box to avoid the return / issue cycling.

Yeah, I thought of doing this but I’ve since created a BPM to Complete and Close Jobs, it first checks to see if there are any Mtls that are not issued complete, it then marks them as Issued Complete if the Issued Qty is equal or greater the required Qty