Job Entry/Tracker - Landing Page - CustName & CustID

Kinetic Landing Pages for Job Entry & Job Tracker have available Columns for CustID & CustName… but these are tied to the JobHead table.

The VALUES for these are held on the JobProd table.

Is there anyway to add the JobProd columns so they’re available in the LandingPage grid?

Ever have any luck with this David? I’ve been trying to add some columns from a BAQ to the order tracker landing page view and it has been a pain.

Unfortunately, no. There may be a way to do it with Code, but that’s beyond my abilities. My C# skills are extremely limited. @klincecum gave it a shot, but initial attempt didn’t quite work and we both got pulled into other things and haven’t revisited.

As for native controls in App Studio, etc… there doesn’t seem to be any straight forward solution.

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It can be done. Just been busy.

Y’all hit me back in a couple weeks.

You can replace the landing screen with a BAQ as its data source. Thereafter all you need to do replicate the behaviour of the landing clicking on jobnum field :slight_smile:

  1. Set up the data view

  1. Edit the lading page with binding col etc etc…

  1. Set the grid provider model

  1. Check “Is Link” in the Job number col

  1. Set up an event to get the ball rolling with the BAQ as the datasource



Don’t forget also to adjust the View Options if there are any to use your BAQ (UPDATE: No don’t do this), eg

No that didn’t work, it appeared that setting the BAQ on the view resulted in the dataview linked to the grid not being populatred; like the view was masquerading as a dataview itself, so the onclick did not work.

If I remove the views altogether it works though, and if I put in views just make sure neither BAQ nor Svc/Svc Path is set.

A further note: It was working beautifully in app studio preview; but when I loaded my customised form from a menu the grid would not load. Looking in personalize columns, i could see it had all the old column headers from the original landing page there, and reset to default did nothing to remove them. Using the dev tools I could see the baq being called with all these non-existent columns in the SELECT clause causing an error. The only way I found to eliminate them was to hunt through ice.XXXDef looking for my personalizations, eventully finding typeCode=‘KineticGridLayout’ , key1 being my user name, key2 being the application I was customising, and GUIDs in key3. I sorted by LastUpdated DESC, and removed the last one… problem solved.