Wondering if anyone can shed some light on how the Rough Cut Scheduling checkbox in Job entry is maintained?
I’ve read references in a course guide and a tech ref guide but haven’t had any luck with testing.
I’m thinking I’m just missing something basic.
I had an initial call with Epicor production support.
At that time the person I spoke with didn’t know & transferrred the call.
So I’m still hoping I’ll get a call back.
The scheduling process updates the Rough Cut Scheduling checkbox when the job is scheduled via the Rough Cut Scheduling calculation; meaning the is job required by date is after the Rough Cut Horizon (set on Plant). It basically infinitely schedules these jobs.
The scheduling process updates the Rough Cut Scheduling checkbox
Rough Cut Horizon (set on Plant).
Your reply confirms what I’ve been reading, thanks.
My problem is, I haven’t seen anything rough cut scheduled in Test yet.
So far I’ve set the Rough Cut Horizon to 30.
Scheduled several new jobs with a variety of due dates between now and 2017.
Just not sure what I’m missing?
In MRP logs I see entries like this…
Rough cut scheduling XXXXXX no. Job start date 10/25/16 Rough cut date 09/09/9999.
and below is snippet from the course guide that I’ve been using:
Rough Cut Scheduling ignores resource and shop load records that are normally included within the scheduling calculation.
To use this feature, you must define the Rough Cut Horizon value.
This field is in Plant Maintenance.
Every job that is scheduled past the horizon value ignores the resource and shop load records.
To add the Shop Load for the Rough Cut Scheduled jobs, use Save Resource Load.
Set the Rough Cut Horizon
Navigate to Plant Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Plant
In the Plant field, search for and select the Main Plant.
In the Rough Cut Horizon field, enter 30.
Click Save.
Exit Plant Maintenance.
Review the Rough Cut Load
Navigate to the Save Resource Load.
Menu Path: Production Management > Scheduling > General Operations > Save Resource Load
In the Start Date field, verify today’s date defaults.
In the End Date field, enter the date one year from today.
I do agree that Help is, well, rather unhelpful.
We do not have MRP, we are just using the Global Schedule.
I do see that jobs are Rough Cut scheduled; both in that the checkbox is checked and a process log when the scheduler runs (one log for each job that is rough cut scheduled).
Are you running a Finite Global Schedule after setting the Rough Cut Horizon?
Our Horizon is set rather high (365) and I do not Use the Save Resource Load functionality.
running Finite Global Schedule after Rough Cut Horizon
I thought so, but… will be starting over this afternoon.
What I remember from the other day…
1.) - set the rough cut horizon, Review the Rough Cut Load
2.) Reviewed existing demand
3.) Just in case made some new demand with various due dates
— Sales Orders - make direct
— and manually entered some jobs - make to stock
4.) Calc Global Sched Order
5.) Global Scheduling - Finite Load checked
— didn’t see any Rough Cut
6.) Tried Processing MRP
I believe you want your Finite Horizon less than (maybe = is ok) the Rough Cut Horizon.
Check your resources, too… if everything is set to Infinite not sure a Finite Schedule does anything for you.
Rough Cut Scheduling
On further testing I am getting some results that make sense now.
I discovered a “Rough Cut Scheduled” checkbox that can be set manually by end users?
→ Job Entry -->Job Details -->Operations>List → “Rough Cut Scheduled Operation”
So…TBD when/if manually changing the state actually does anything to the schedule.
Wonder if enabled in that grid “by design” or possible an oversight?
If another user hadn’t pointed this out to me I wouldn’t have noticed, have not seen it mentioned in any documentation other than the data dictionary.
If your brave enough you can download the MRP and Scheduling technical reference guides off EpicWeb, it explains Rough Cut Scheduling plus all other features.