Job Entry - Get Details - Appending Materials

When using Job Entry - Get Details and appending Materials, the sequencing in which the subassemblies are appended onto the job is different to the sequencing in the Method master.

The job that we are appending to only has 3 operations, no material.

When we use the Get details function to get details from Method master, and we Append both Operations and Materials - the operations append ok, but the materials, which in this case are subassemblies, get appended in a strange order.

On the left below is the order in the Job, on the right it shows the order from the Parts / Method master.

Do you know what could be causing this?

Assembling sequencing is quote important for production, is there any way to force it to be appended in the same order as the master?


Are your materials linked to Operations? On my manufactured parts, all materials are linked to an operation. They generally stay in the correct order within the operation, but will be re-ordered based on operation order.

Example: Mtl seq 10, 30, 50 are all linked to OprSeq 100, MtlSeq 20,40 are all linked to OprSeq 200

So when I view materials within the method, the order is 10,20,30,40,50. But when I get details, the sequence is 10,30,50,20,40. The materials linked to the first operation are entered first.

Thank you very much for your quick response.
Yes, I can see that is exactly what it is doing, and I guess it does make sense.
Unfortunately this is not how the engineers and production would like it sorting, but I don’t suppose that there will be a way to change this.