Job Entry (Erp.UI.JobEntry) calls process Erp.UI.GetDetailsEntry, which pops up the Get Details screen. I am able to access this screen for Customization, but it does not show any code in the “Script Editor” for pulling in the Part details to the Job details.
Where does this occur? Can it be modified (i.e. added to) ?
I’m not sure that anyone quite understands your question. So you can get to the customization screen for GetDetailsEntry, but then what are you looking for that you are unable to find?
i agree with @jgiese.wci your question is not clear in my opinion as well, if you want to see Epicor base running script behind this method, you need either to use SDK app, or decompile the relevant dll assembly file and look for your method within it.
can i just ask, what are you trying to achieve by intersecting this method?
When we build a job’s details, I need to add an extra step to include the capture of data contained in a separate UD table. If I can look at and modify the GetDetails process, I’ll be able to add the extra info needed for the job.
When I reviewed the GetDetailsEntry form via Customization, I couldn’t find anything in the script indicating the copy of Part Materials or Operations to the Job. Perhaps I’m missing something.
Where does the JobDetail building process actually occur?
Hi @kfreeman,
sorry for the late reply, i got side tracked, and yes i agree with @Mark_Wonsil, BPM will do that for you, however Jobs can be created by the system i.e. (System GetDeails) during MRP, thereby wont trigger your BPM’s, so i suggest to do your check as pre-processing method directive at releasing jobs method to capture every created job, assuming that Auto Job Release not to be used in your environment.
Hello Al,
I understood that BPMs, specifically data directives, are like database triggers (invoked only by a triggering event, which can be caused by any user or application) so that even if Jobs are created by the system during MRP, the data directive should execute when Job Details are created for the Job. Using a method directive might miss the generation of Job Details because it may occur in more than one “method”.
Please let me know if I’m correct in using a data directive over a method directive.
Data Directives are not triggered by events directly it triggered once the row of relevant table becomes tt (i.e. Updated,Added, etc) this could happen due to any UI interactions, thereby your DD will be triggered no matter what method caused the record to be tt,
in your situation you want to do some modification -once- on Jobs before releasing them to the shop floor that is why i suggested to use method BPM to be so specific, if you decide to use DD for this case, this means that every time JobOper record becomes tt, your custom BPM will be triggered -repeatedly- unless you add other conditions which is not right according to what you saying.
Thank you for the explanation. I see your point and agree the method directive is best suited to add to Job Details only once. I may need to add a second method directive to remove added records if the MRP Job is cancelled.
I think I’ll have to conference with my user group to determine exactly when the extra data should be added to the UD table, and if/when it should be removed if they un-engineer and then re-engineer it. Then I’ll be able to control the addition and removal of UD data from jobs.
i do not know what do you mean by removing UD data, however if what you adding to the JobOper is uncounted data -i.e. a type of information only-, then i do not think that you need to remove them, just unrelease the job and close when MRP suggest to cancel it.
Finally, do not forget that MRP suggests engineered jobs, which will bypass your method BPM, that is why i suggested to do your check at release NOT engineered,