Job created before cost rolled up on New parts

I really hope someone can guide me with my problems. We have found and fixed what was causing my problems but I don’t know how to fix the Jobs that already had transactions started. The problems were caused by…
1 - Methods created for a part and Job was created before the Cost got rolled up.
2 - Not all the material cost was rolled up at the time the Job was created, method corrected but not sure how to correct the Job.
3 - Method updated and rolled up but How to correct Jobs already on the shop floor with production started.

The Jobs already has Transactions on them so I can not delete the Job and re-create the Jobs. This caused my WIP report have a LOT of MFG-VAR Debit because the cost of when the job was started was zero dollars.

Is it possible to get the correct cost into the Job then close it so WIP report is correct?
We have around 100 or so Jobs I need to fix before I can close them. HELPPPPP


Are these make to order or make to stock? If make to stock, what cost method do you use?

Most are Make to Stock and we are using STD cost.

You can do cost adjust and the variance that creates should offset the variance created when received into stock. Might require a journal entry if the the cost adj hits a different account than the MFG-VAR.

If the QOH of the finished part is zero, the ADJ-CST wont create any GL trans. And when the MFG-STK Tran happens it should increase inventory by the new cost of the part (what you set it to with the adj-cst). The MFG-VAR will only happen if there is a difference between the WIP for the job, and part cost when received.