we recently turned on Full serialization, trying to close a job and got this message:
0 serial numbers are required but 5 serial numbers are assigned for the assembly. Cannot close.
anyone knows how to get rid of this message at job closing??
we are on version 9.5.702A… I found a SCR but it says it’s already fixed in 9.5.702…
Stories 89460 - Job Closing - xx serial numbers are required but xxx serial numbers are assigned cannot close Open With … Copy Advanced Copy
Stories - The Matrix (VN20C)
SCR=89460, Part=EA-JobClosing, Description=Job Closing - xx serial numbers are required but xxx serial numbers are assigned cannot close, Priority=HIGH, Severity=2 - Error NO Workaround, Type=Application, Module=JM, Target SP=9.05.702, Product=EPIC, Fixed In List=9.05.702~~~, Fixed Date=10/30/2012, Status=Complete-SCR, Company=VN20C, SysRowID=d041ab68-8e5d-ff97-e011-99e4cb5598d2, Found in Version=9.05, Found in Build=9.05.605