Issues with Azure cloud?

Hi all,
Anybody having issues with Azure cloud ? I have a HTTP function there which stopped working a few days ago. It was working perfectly before and nobody touched anything since then. I see the same error every time ‘There was an error performing a read operation on the Blob Storage Secret Repository. Please ensure the ‘AzureWebJobsStorage’ connection string is valid.’ I can see some issues with Azure storage but it says it is only for Brazil region and I am on West Europe plan. The connection string is OK and the function runs just fine locally.


Can you access the blob storage from VS Code’s Azure Extension?

Not sure how to check that but I can access anything from the storage including below by using the cloud portal:

Also, everything works perfectly when I call the function locally.

Often, running locally means hitting the local blob storage service and not necessarily the one in Azure, at least when I’ve been writing functions.

If there was a change in security/api-key then everything would work except your function. :thinking:

I spent the whole day yesterday checking all settings and logs. The only thing updated in that whole portal in the last month was the payment method. I just don’t understand how can it work for hundreds of times and then all of a sudden crashes every time.
Just curious, for those of you who use Azure, does that happen often ? Or is it just me having bad luck ?

Sounds like my whole life in IT to be honest… :person_shrugging:


Seriously though, we all have systems that have to be monitored. Epicor works hundreds of times until a disc fills up, or a password changes, or a certificate expires, etc. It’s no different in Azure, AWS, GCP, etc. “Set and forget” is what we try to get to but it seems we need to reconsider our monitoring systems.

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I figure you’ve already checked service health for any issues in that region?

That’s funny, I’ll take that as an encouragement :rofl:

I did and there’s nothing there unfortunately.

What kind of support are you paying for? Could you contact microsoft?

I’ve just updated the support plan and raised a ticket with them. I was hoping for a quicker solution - believe it or not, this happened right in the middle of the UAT signing phase of this project and this were supposed to be the final tests before going live. This is part of a REST integration. I guess that’s not going to happen in the next few days…

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Better now than later! I know it’s probably the last thing you wanted before go-live!

I’m sure it’s something small Dragos!

Would you mind updating this thread with what the issue is that caused it? I’m curious.

I will definitely do that. I’m not going to say more until I figure it out, but support already confirmed that the worker instance was ‘not working properly and my application was provisioned and started on a new VM instance’. So I am not insane and something did happen.

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Interesting… so it isn’t your function that is having issues, it is the application that you created?

I am assuming that application uses Azure VMs? If those VMs are in a scale set I wonder how an app works with that. Also, do you have zone redundancy on those? Maybe something strange happened where it had to switch the load to a different zone and then when it switched back the settings were messed up.

Either way, super curious to hear what happened.

I’m not very familiar with all the Azure functionalities but I don’t think we have that. All I have is an S1 plan with the function. I added AppInsights and a log analytics workspace for the logs. Then I put in a VNET and a net gateway along with a public IP for the static outbound IP. They’re all on Western Europe region.

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This is the beauty of Serverless computing. No VM. No security updates. Only pay for what you need.

I believe you can have AppInsights notify you in case of errors too.


Yes, working again! I had a call with support and, basically, all we did was to disable the VNet Integration and then enable it back. In a few minutes, it started to work again. From my understanding and the explanation I got, that move to a different VM caused some issues with the connection to the storage. And disabling the VNet and enabling it back forced it to reconnect properly. Obviously, this was an issue on their side. So yes, this can happen and, with a little bad luck, it can happen in the worst time possible. But, to be fair, this is the first time I see any issues since I started playing with it around 4-5 months ago. The fix was quick and easy, it just took some time to get there. So I’m going to go ahead with it. Thank you all for the replies!

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