Issue the wrong material to a job

On our system it appears we can issue ANY part number to a job material requirement. Is there a setting or company config to only allow the exact inventory part number to be issued to a job material?

Please advise,

No settings. Just add a BPM to compare issued part against JobMtl Part

Mr. Arul: Thank you - would you use a Data Directive or a Method Directive?


If you are using the standard issue material screen you could add a preprocess method directive to raise an exception on “OnChangePartNum”.
I would guess there is an equivalent on mass issue.


Mr. Carson: Since there are multiple entry points to JobMtl, i.e. Mass issue, Issue, job assembly issue, etc i was thinking a data directive on PartTran?

It seems to me, remember one of the guru’s saying “never use data directives” - but I am not sure why? is it because of performance? functionality? Or maybe my memory is wrong?


Data Directives are fine, but I would look for other options before adding a data directive to part tran. PartTran gets written to so often and adding the data directive will slow it down. Admittedly a good data directive won’t slow it down much, but over the thousands of transactions that will add up. From a user experience OnChangePartNum seems better since they get the error when they change the part number not when they save. Especially in this case you need to do more testing with the data directive. You are counting on a PartTran exception to not only stop the part tran transaction, but potentially roll back a modified JobMtl record.

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I’m pretty sure there was a company config option added somewhere in 10.2 to prevent exactly this.

@zwilli526 I believe you are mentioning about this which is available in Site Configuration. This affects the parts which are already issued.

That’s the one. Looks like they only got 75% of the way there.

What about just making the part number field Read Only, and disable the search button?