I’m still fairly new to customization development in Kinetic and I’m trying to understand how that would work.
Could you explain how that would work because I am struggling to see it.
Specifically, since the base layer has ‘sysDisableLandingPage’ and ’ POSugg_DisableSugPoDtlLandingPageView’ which are locked, wouldn’t the original filters still disable the field regardless of any filters or copies of filters I make with an exception for my added columns?
It seems like I would need to enable things instead, but I’m not sure how I can accomplish that.
I want to add a drop down to the landing page that allows our buyers to select from different sources, it would then update GeneratePOTool etc to the right vendor ID based on the selection from the drop down it should allow the buyer team to easily mass generate POs for various vendors.
Are you saying that PO suggestions are not meant to be selected or updated from the landing page, or are you saying we are not meant to customize the landing page?
I tried that; it didn’t seem to work in my case, but it could be because all my custom columns are coming up as [object object] for some reason; they are also displaying that way in the data view.