Is there any application studio widget to gather information from user?

Scenario is following.
User is clicking a button in Kinetic App. App is doing some validations and if needed I would like to show a pop-up with text-box where user can type some info and click OK.

Is there any widget that can do that for me or I need to do it differently - how?

You should be able to use a BPM form for this. However, they can no longer be customized.

Does BPM form can be called directly from Application Studio or I need to call first a BO,method that BPM form will be tied to? Sounds like complex way of getting info from user.

You’ll have to call a BO. I figured that’s where you were doing your validations.

Maybe there is another way.

No, I am doing validations directly in app studio.

I believe you want to use the ERP-Message-Handler in an Event.

I was looking into that widget but did not found any configuration that allows to ask user for anything. What I missed?

You can easily create a custom slide out panel, that can “pop up” and ask a question.

THere’s a walk through in the help on how to create a custom slide out.


Please don’t… BPM data forms are terrible, avoid them at all cost…

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I’ll do that. I thought maybe there was an even easier way (widget) to do that.
Thank you.

Make an idea! We’ll vote for it.
Maybe it’ll be one of those low hanging fruits they can jump on.


Be my guest and please do it.
I lost faith in Epicor long time ago regarding submitting anything as it takes ages before anything will be done.

Regarding “low hanging fruits” you mentioned about - I think if such thing will happen then this is just a coincidence - they already planned to release something while you are thinking you were lucky.

BTW for this particular case, slider work perfectly fine for me and can be customized as needed. What I wasn’t able to do with slider was to make a title/description for slider and for panel card dynamic - but this is different story.