Is there a list of all the menus items in the menu maintenance?

I would like a list of all standard menu items that can be configured through Menu Maintenance. I want to paste the list into excel so I can then use my security groups to secure each menu item. I understand I can expand them all then type them out into excel, but does anyone have this information already?

thank you!

Ice.Menu table contains all the menu items


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And there’s a very Excel un-friendly report that can be run on Sec Groups, Users or SecurityID’s(which are used by the menus) In System Management Security

You mean the one that takes ages to eventually show?


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I created an updateable dashboard to manage menu items. Have at 'er
AdvancedMenuMaint.dbd (174.8 KB)

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Doing something similar. Is there a flag to tell if its a stock menu item to one we created? Like a dashboard, report, etc.?

I looked in but nothing seems to jump out.


There’s a field in (menu.program?) that if there is a “-c” in the value, that means it is customized.

As well, you can create two calculated fields for:

 case Menu.OptionType 
    when 'S'  then 'Sub Menu'
    when 'I' then 'Menu Item (Program)'
		when 'B' then 'Report Builder'
		when 'D' then 'Dashboard'
		when 'A' then 'BAQ Report'
		when 'U' then 'User Defined'
		when 'C' then 'Dashboard-Assembly'
		when 'N' then 'Non Menu Item'
		when 'E' then 'External Process'
		when 'M' then 'Mobile Dashboard'
    else Menu.OptionType

case  Menu.OptionSubType
    when 'F' then 'Form' 
    when 'T' then 'Tracker'
    when 'M' then 'Maintenance'
    when 'P' then 'Process'
    when 'R' then 'Report'
    when 'E' then 'Entry'
    when 'N' then 'Non Menu Item'
    when 'C' then 'Custom Dashboard'
    else Menu.OptionSubType

It would help differentiate!


Bon weekend!

I usually run this SQL query if I’m looking for a customization, and because of the way I sequence it, it show everything in order from top to bottom. The limitation is it only shows menu items that are EXACTLY four levels deep ( Example: Sales Management -> Quote Management -> Setup -> Role Code). But for my purposes, it does the trick.

I usually have another line in my query, such as 'm1.Program = ‘Erp.UI.JobTracker.dll’ which I use to show everywhere Job Tracker runs. You may want to use this as a starting point.

select m4.menudesc, m3.menudesc, m2.menudesc, m1.menudesc, m1.Sequence, 
       m1.Program, m1.Arguments
  from m1, m2, m3, m4
 where m1.ParentMenuID = m2.MenuID 
   and m2.ParentMenuID = m3.MenuID 
   and m3.ParentMenuID = m4.MenuID
   and m4.ParentMenuID = 'MAINMENU'
 order by m4.Sequence, m3.Sequence, m2.Sequence, m1.Sequence

Hope that helps.

Kevin Simon