Is it possible to make a custom tree view?

I’m assuming that this becomes a custom coding problem, but I was just wondering if it’s possible to create a custom tree view. I have data in UD tables that is hierarchical and a tree view would be handy.

HI @Banderson,

Did you get solution for custom tree view? I am currently seeking for creating custom tree view.


I did not, unfortunately. Maybe someday!

Okay, thanks for your info :smile:

I’ll talk about this in the E10Help panel :wink: @ Insights

Awesome :heart_eyes:, I hope there is video that we can watch and also source code sample in GitHub should be great :smile:


hi @josecgomez,

Would you mind to share your presentation on Insights?


here you go
E10Help Panel.pdf (1.3 MB)


Thank you so much Jose :grinning:

Hi @josecgomez ,

Any chance for adding a new TreeViewPanel instead of customizing the existing one?

As far as I know you can’t add a new treeview
since there is no corresponding control in the ToolBox?

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