Invoking SalesOrder.MasterUpdate From The SalesOrder.Update BPM


Hoping for some help with triggering the masteupdate on sales order from the update on sales order,

I have currently created a dashboard for out despatch department, from this they can change a UD field to trigger an allocation BPM stored on the MasterUpdate.

Unfortunately the updating from the dashboard does not trigger the master update only the update, so i have a BPM that is locked down to just that dashboard to trigger the masterupdate to trigger the correct bpm etc.

However using a tool to test the logic of triggering the BPM i have been unable to trigger the masterupdate.

Could someone please narrow down the correct parameters for me to trigger this please,

The parameter I’m convinced i have incorrect is the cTableName

Any help would be appreciated


Not sure if you have tried this. Make sure the ds on the in-out has the rowmod set to what you want it to be. If it is blank then the Update will not occur.