Invoice Total doesn't equal sum of invoice lines

We have a couple of invoices in one group whose total is not equal to the sum of the lines. The Invoice Total was $52.50 more than the sum of the lines.

I double checked and there was nothing in the InvMisc or InvTax tables for these invoices.

I decided to delete the lines one at a time to see which (if any) was adding in the extra. But each time I deleted a line, the Inv total went down by that line amount, but still stayed $52.50 more than the sume of the remaining lines.

Once I deleted the last line, the Inv Total said $52.50, as shown below.

We ended up deleting the invoice and making it from scratch again. The second time did not have any problems.

Anyone seen this before, or can suggest where I could look?

BTW - we only found this when the printed invoice showed

I’m nearly a year too late for you, but we get this in 10.1.600.11
If we create an AR invoice entry group, then delete its invoices, it seems the header and line data gets deleted from the invc tables, but the tax lines get orphaned

When we create the group again the tax amounts get mysteriously added or deducted on the invoices as incorrect unit prices or just inexplicable totals.

Epicor sent us a data fix to run before creating any AR invoice entry groups which deletes any orphaned tax lines but it screwed up tax on service contract invoices so we are still working on it!


Just came across this issue in my test system over the weekend.

The short answer we finally had from this, is that if you ever delete all rows in an AR invoice entry group:

  • don’t use the group any more, delete the whole group existence and do not reuse the group name that day.

There can be an issue with orphaned invoice fields causing weird totals. Just start again with a new group with a slightly different name.

Similar tom foolery with improperly updated data on payment entry

Good to know, thank you