First let me say that you guys on here rock! With me being new to Epicor and just learning, you have saved me many headaches already. For this I am very thankful.
Now, is it possible to add a message on the invoice to the customers? Like saying “Closed on Christmas” etc…
Sure just modify your report to include some custom UD field from say… the Company table? And have these updated with what you want shown… If you want customer specific message the same applies but stick the message in a Customer UD field.
You can also just put the message directly in the report. Just add a text box and type away. That way you won’t have to worry about adding fields to tables.
If the message is conditional and needing to change say by date/date range, or customer or territory or country you could use a Data Directive on the InvoiceHed that would append your message to any existing Invoice Header comments. Be careful though since the Invoice pulls comments from the Order & Pack when it’s generated.
That way it would be more consistent and you shouldn’t have to mess with reports so much throughout the year. So you would set it to add ‘Closed For Chirstmas’ for all Invoices created between 11/15 & 12/25.
Did something like this on Sales Orders per customer.
If you can state the logic, you can also build it into the report. At my old job, they had a customization in their old ERP where the user was prompted at invoice printing to select the statements they wanted to print on the invoice. They wanted the same thing built into Epicor. I told them no and built the logic into the invoice template. It worked perfectly and all of the “customization” was viewable in one place.
Ok, I feel stupid now. But, I must ask. Where does the Invoice pull from? I’m assuming it is built into the system, because I have no customized invoice reports that generate invoices.
Going with the assumption that you are using SSRS for your reporting, it would be on the report server. You should have a link to get to the folder through a browser.
Ok, had to ask around as that was not provided to me by my predecessor. But I found it. So, I just need to locate the report and then edit it, correct?
But now I am wondering, how much experience have you had with Epicor 10 and it’s reporting? If you do not have any, I would highly recommend contacting Epicor and asking for some training. It is worth every single penny.
IT took all day, well had other things come up, but I found the SSRS files on the server. The Invoices are printed out via the module. So, the SSRS reports files are in .rdl, .rss file extension. How do I load these up to edit the comments into the invoice? Or am I going about this the wrong way and backwards?