Inventory Summary

Jobhead (company, jobnum, plant) where firmed, engineered, released are true & jobclosed is false: OUTER join to Parttran (MFG-STK & MFG-CUS (if you ship direct) type... Jobs demand linked to jobs could be ab ugly twist.)

If all parts being made on the jobs are Std Cost, much easier (no need for parttran)

Rob Brown
Versa Products
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Release 702A

I am building a BAQ for a inventory summary.     I would like to capture the value of in-stock inventory and then the WIP value.    I just want a summary that is processed off-hours and then can be reported in either a Crystal report or a dashboard.

The in-stock inventory was not a problem but I am having issues following the WIP.    I have run the Work In Process Report Epicor provides and can capture the To Date from the jobasmbl table and the COS by linking to the JobProd and then the Invcdtl.    But I can't find the "To Inventory"    values.   

I will just just be reporting the labor, burden, material etc as a total, not individual jobs.      Is there a table I can use to capture the "To Inventory"?

Never mind all-   found what I was looking for.    I need to search a little harder before I ask questions.

What did you find? How did you solve your problem?


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 2:47 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Inventory Summary



Never mind all-   found what I was looking for.    I need to search a little harder before I ask questions.

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 23, 2014, at 4:52 PM, "pluedke@... [vantage]" <> wrote:


<div id="ygrps-yiv-229099387ygrp-text">
  <p>Release 702A<br><br>I am building a BAQ for a inventory summary.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I would like to capture the value of in-stock inventory and then the WIP value.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I just want a summary that is processed off-hours and then can be reported in either a Crystal report or a dashboard.<br><br>The in-stock inventory was not a problem but I am having issues following the WIP.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I have run the Work In Process Report Epicor provides and can capture the To Date from the jobasmbl table and the COS by linking to the JobProd and then the Invcdtl.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; But I can&#39;t find the &quot;To Inventory&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; values.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>I will just just be reporting the labor, burden, material etc as a total, not individual jobs.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Is there a table I can use to capture the &quot;To Inventory&quot;?<br><br></p><p><span><br class="ygrps-yiv-229099387yui-cursor"></span></p><p></p>
