I have a report builder report that is sorted/Grouped by Class, then Part.
It shows Tag Number, Part, Part Description, Unit Cost, Bin, Expected
Quantity, ______________ (for writing in the count...transferred from count
sheets) and Unit Measure.
The above is a worksheet that the inventory in-charge people use to review
the count sheets and then submit to a data entry person to enter the count
Based on this same report I have a long version and short version which
calculates the variance.
E-mail me directly and I will send the reports to you.
Thank you,
Carol Engen
Winona Lighting
Phone: 507-454-5113, Ext. 314
Fax: 507-454-4806
e-mail: cengen@... <mailto:cengen@...>
-----Original Message-----
From: tbricela [mailto:tbriceland@...]
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 11:36 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Inventory counting/Report
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "patty.cioffi"
It shows Tag Number, Part, Part Description, Unit Cost, Bin, Expected
Quantity, ______________ (for writing in the count...transferred from count
sheets) and Unit Measure.
The above is a worksheet that the inventory in-charge people use to review
the count sheets and then submit to a data entry person to enter the count
Based on this same report I have a long version and short version which
calculates the variance.
E-mail me directly and I will send the reports to you.
Thank you,
Carol Engen
Winona Lighting
Phone: 507-454-5113, Ext. 314
Fax: 507-454-4806
e-mail: cengen@... <mailto:cengen@...>
-----Original Message-----
From: tbricela [mailto:tbriceland@...]
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 11:36 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Inventory counting/Report
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "patty.cioffi"
> That would be great. Has anybody modified or createdinventory
>I would
> The canned reports only give you the tags with variances.
> to be able to have a list of all the tags, expected andcounted
> quantities, in part number order and tag number order.variance report
> We just finished our first Vantage inventory and the
> just doesn't do it.
> Patty Cioffi (chofee)
> Accounting Department
> EFS Aerospace, Inc.
> A Triumph Group Company
> voice 661-295-1015 x101
> fax 661-295-1058
> e-mail <mailto:patty.cioffi@e...> patty.cioffi@e...