"Invalid object name" error being received with a new SSRS subreport

I’m receiving the above error when my SSRS report is invoking a new subreport. The situation is that I have the std Shop Load report which I’m trying to customize to add “prior incomplete ops”. I can’t add JobOper to the RDD because it’s there already and you can’t have the same table twice (per Epicor) in a RDD. Soooooooo I built a subreport to bring in the additional data directly from the DB with parameter interface trigger and does not include the GUID within the SQL dataset definition. I have the datasource set up to “Use a connection embedded in my report” and it’s pointing to the test database. I can successfully “test connection”. My SQL statement is:

=“SELECT JobOper.AssemblySeq, JobOper.OprSeq, JobOper.OpCode, JobOper.DueDate, JobOper.OpDesc
FROM JobOper WHERE JobOper.Company = " + Parameters!p_Company.Value.ToString + " AND JobOper.JobNum = " + Parameters!p_JobNum.Value.ToString + " AND JobOper.AssemblySeq = " + Parameters!p_AssemblySeq.Value.ToString + " AND JobOper.OprSeq < " + Parameters!p_OprSeq.Value.ToString + " AND JobOper.OpComplete = 0”

The report will generate as normal with the subreport not firing and kicking out the above error message. Any ideas on what I’m missing. All input appreciated.

In the main Report select the sub-report and open the properties and check the path of the sub-report is correct.

Thanks for responding. Checked and the path for the subreport is correct.

After successively pounding my head against a wall until the wall caved in I have the simple answer. I just had to add the ERP identifier to JobOper (i.e ERP.JobOper) and it all now works fine. Simple solution for the Epicor SQL challenged (me).