I’m receiving the above error when my SSRS report is invoking a new subreport. The situation is that I have the std Shop Load report which I’m trying to customize to add “prior incomplete ops”. I can’t add JobOper to the RDD because it’s there already and you can’t have the same table twice (per Epicor) in a RDD. Soooooooo I built a subreport to bring in the additional data directly from the DB with parameter interface trigger and does not include the GUID within the SQL dataset definition. I have the datasource set up to “Use a connection embedded in my report” and it’s pointing to the test database. I can successfully “test connection”. My SQL statement is:
=“SELECT JobOper.AssemblySeq, JobOper.OprSeq, JobOper.OpCode, JobOper.DueDate, JobOper.OpDesc
FROM JobOper WHERE JobOper.Company = " + Parameters!p_Company.Value.ToString + " AND JobOper.JobNum = " + Parameters!p_JobNum.Value.ToString + " AND JobOper.AssemblySeq = " + Parameters!p_AssemblySeq.Value.ToString + " AND JobOper.OprSeq < " + Parameters!p_OprSeq.Value.ToString + " AND JobOper.OpComplete = 0”
The report will generate as normal with the subreport not firing and kicking out the above error message. Any ideas on what I’m missing. All input appreciated.