Invalid dates in kinetic sales order entry

I have a very strange problem. I know originally there was a bug in kinetic where it let you enter an invalid date, for example, type in 11/11/22 and it would save 11/11/0022 to the database, and I know that bug was fixed. In fact in our demo 2021.2.29 environment, it errors out if you try to save an invalid date.

However in our actual database, even running non-customized kinetic order entry, and even with all BPMs disabled, it allows us to save garbage like this to the database with no error or warning:



Can anybody think of a reason why it would fail to enforce valid dates? We didn’t have this problem in classic order entry, but I believe it was because the dates were being enforce in the client. Not sure why the kinetic controls don’t do that too.

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In case anybody else is curious this is PRB0236753, which Epicor has incorrectly classified as defect with workaround.

There is no workaround to prevent users entering invalid dates aside from writing countless BPMs all over the sales order service. And when they enter invalid dates, its impossible to correct without requesting a data fix, since fields like Prev Requested by date are behind the scenes and can’t be manually edited once they contain invalid data.

Epicor says this is fixed in 2022 and will not retro to 2021.2 despite the fact that 2021.2 is still on active support.

We’re seeing other date handling issues when submitting reports. If the users leave off the century, the wrong date is used but only when scheduling reports. The reports fail with this message:

Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask:
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM

Querying the SysTask table, you can see the date it’s trying to use but looking at the SysTaskParrm table in a BAQ or SSMS, the dates are formatted correctly and not what the RunTask method is seeing.

Also 2021.2.

So frustrating, is there a PRB for that?

Not yet, submitting ticket today. I’ll update here if/when I get one.

I would bet money you get the same answer (upgrade to 2022)