Invalid BT Con Num

Has anyone ever received an error that says “Invalid BT Con Num”? This didn’t happen in 2023.x, only now in 2024.1.10

I looked for the field in by creating a BAQ and it has the following description:


I have never seen this before, and my google-fu is not showing anything related to this. The really frustrating thing is that I did something in the pilot environment that seemed to fix it, but I have no idea what I changed that could affect this. I skimmed through different sections of customer that looks like it would affect it, but everything looks the same in pilot and live.

Hasn’t happened to me, BUT…

When wacky errors like this happen, my first troubleshooting step is to try it from the smart client in Classic. If the SAME process doesn’t produce the SAME error, then it’s a Kinetic only bug and one that Epicor REALLY wants to get fixed (just ask @timshuwy).

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Well, it fixed itself after a few hours, which is great. Sorry to all the people in the future who find this and are looking for a fix.


Had the same error this morning and I realized that it’s because my Customer didn’t have any contact (I guess it needs at least 1 Billing Contact but haven’t tested it). Hope that’s an hint of a solution if people have a similar problem later on


We randomly get this as well in 2023.2.14. Seems like specific orders with alternate bill-to’s gets corrupted. If we don’t use the alternate BT, it’s fine. If we create a new order for the customer and use the alternate BT, it’s fine. Created Case CS0004521883, but never really figured it out since it’s not re-creatable from scratch.

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