There have been several requests for info on this so I figured I’d share how I do it. Note, this may not be the right\best way but it works very well for my use of writing and testing custom code for E10.
First I do all of this in a type of implementation called a Singleton. This just means that one and only one instance can exist. I did this so I could have one living connection \ oTrans for my entire app. It’s not necessary, especially for smaller scope testing. This method requires no special permission\access to the server just in case your company doesn’t trust you - like mine does me.
In my object I make vars for the session, all of my adapters (so I am not constantly creating\destroying them), etc. Here are a few:
public static ILauncher oTrans = null;
public static UD38Adapter a = null;
public static InvTransferAdapter invAdapter = null;
public static LotSelectUpdateAdapter lotAdapter = null;
public static WhseBinAdapter binAdapter = null;
public static Ice.Core.Session epiSession;
public static bool Connected = false;
I had to create an ILauncher to use:
public class MyILaunch : ILaunch
public object Session { get; set; }
public string WhoAmI { get; set; }
Then for connecting you can do something like this:
public static bool Connect(string username, string password)
epiSession = new Ice.Core.Session(username, password, Ice.Core.Session.LicenseType.GlobalUser, @"C:\Epicor\ERP10.1Client\Client\config\E10LiveDB2.sysconfig");
oTrans = new ILauncher(epiSession);
a = new UD38Adapter(oTrans);
invAdapter = new InvTransferAdapter(oTrans);
lotAdapter = new LotSelectUpdateAdapter(oTrans);
binAdapter = new WhseBinAdapter(oTrans);
Connected = true;
currentUser = ((Session)oTrans.Session).UserID;
catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException e)
MessageBox.Show("Login failed - Check your username\\password");
return false;
return true;
Once the framework is in place you can test your adapter stuff (for example)
public static bool baseCreateRecord(string pn, string bin, string lot, decimal count)
throw new Exception("You are not connected. Cancelled.");
a.ClearData(); //clear the serial record
if (a.GetaNewUD38())
a.UD38Data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Key1"] = pn.ToUpper();
a.UD38Data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Key2"] = bin.ToUpper();
a.UD38Data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Key3"] = lot.ToUpper();
a.UD38Data.Tables[0].Rows[0][GetField("User1")] = currentUser.ToUpper();
a.UD38Data.Tables[0].Rows[0][GetField("Date1")] = DateTime.Now ;
a.UD38Data.Tables[0].Rows[0][GetField("Count1")] = count;
MessageBox.Show("Failed to create record");
return false;
GetUD38(); //refresh the grid
return true;
Very important - You will have to add references to all of the DLL’s needed (for your needs) this includes adapter and contract dlls as well as the core stuff like:
If anybody has a better way - I’d love for you to share it!