We’ve recently been implementing Intercompany Trading on Epicor 10.2 and a question that arose was what to do when the supplying location has shipped inventory but the receiving location hasn’t received the inventory by period end. This by itself will make the general ledger unbalanced between the two locations at that time. Just looking to see what others have done in these situations. Thanks!
Yep, definitively an issue. Our work around was to create a Warehouse with GL Controls putting the money where it belongs based on your INCOTERM. So we would receive it at month end in that warehouse to fix the G/L. When the product arrived, we’d just do an inventory transfer from that “On the way” warehouse. It’s a much needed enhancement because, as you mentioned, inventory just “disappears” from the ledger.
Okay, that makes sense. We could also use a non-nettable Bin in the “on the way” warehouse so we don’t increase our on-hand quantity. We’ll have to set some kind of process up with what receiving should do when they actually receive the inventory though. The only other idea we came up with was putting it into inspection which really should only be related to QA so I think this is a better work around.
Thanks Mark, yeah it would be nice to have something programed to do this automatically but at least the work around isn’t that complicated.
Yes, there are definitely some functionality to add to multi company, especially around if you are drop shipping.
Although, MRP may suggest you need more…
Really? Wait, is this true for inventory that goes to inspection as well?
No, I think Inspection is nettable (i.e., visible to MRP). Pretty sure. One way to tell I guess…
We just left the On The Way Warehouse nettable BTW…
In PartTran, when inventory is moved to inspection the Running Total quantity doesn’t change. That’s what I thought non-nettable was. Now that I think about it, for inventory sent to inspection you really wouldn’t want it to affect MRP whereas with inventory in transit you would want it to be considered.
Hmm, an option would be to make it nettable but then make my perpetual inventory BAQ not include quantity in the “on the way” warehouse. I just want to make sure quantity is accurate for inventory audits.
In our case, the INCOTERM indicates we own it once it left their dock, so our Stock Status is correct and so is our G/L. The count should still be correct if that warehouse has a different inventory account.
Okay you convinced me, there’s really no need to make a non-nettable Bin because the quantity is separated with the different warehouse and account used when received. Thanks for clarifying.
I just noticed that when I do Inventory Transfer no changes are showing in the Inv/WIP Rec but a STK-STK transaction shows in PartTran. Based of the Inventory Transaction Hierarchy I would expect a CR to the Warehouse GL control set in the “on the way” warehouse and a DR to the part’s Part Class GL Control because we have no controls set for Warehouse and Plant for the warehouse the part is being transferred to and no GL controls set for Part. Is there something I’m missing here?
Oh I see, only the division portion of the account is affected by the Warehouse GL code. Our division codes are by Company so I don’t think we could make use of that. The whole Warehouse GL code thing threw me off a bit but I think I get your main point. If you receive into a warehouse designated as being for in transit inventory you won’t get it mixed up with inventory available for production.