Setting up InterCompany trading and upon trying to approve the ICPO Suggestions I’m getting NOTE: *- Record Needs Review and Invalid Header Data is checked. I set this same thing up in our Test environment and had no issue with this. Is there something (an obscure checkbox on Company Config for example) I may have missed?
Check fields like terms, ship via and such. I found that these codes need to be the same identical code to be used between companies.
So for instance Net 30 terms, could have the same description but one company has a code of 30 and the other company code is N30.
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Hi, you can use translations to overcome a mismatch in ids
Hi, Where do you do that? Trying to bring in my ICPO Suggestions and I get a message “Po Supplier Currency AUD is different from the SO Customer Currency AUD.”
Hi, it would be under external company maintenance but it might not be the issue. Would need to see the exact transactions