Install 10.2.500 Server on Win10 machine

I know its not supported, but can you install an Epicor Server 10.2.500 on a Windows10 pc? This is strictly for testing and review.

I’m guessing probably not. There are quite a few services that I believe are only available in Server that you will need. IIS is likely one of those at the highest level. You should be able to install Win Server on a client PC and just not activate it. It will nag but if you are using it for testing… meh

I have an internal website running on a regular copy of Win10, with ISS. I think you are limited to 3 connections at a time or some such. Not sure about Epicor specifically though.

If you enable Hyper-V on your Windows 10 system or if you have VMWare Workstation, you can download an image to run on your Windows 10 PC.

You can always setup an AWS Windows Server w/ SQL dirt cheap to do your testing. Depending on the options , it can be 100% free to a few $/mo. Amazon even handles the licenses making this super easy.

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If it appears to install okay, and then you have issues during testing …

How will you know if the issues are related to usage (setup and config within E10, BPMs, customizations, etc…), or from the fact that it’s running on unsupported environment?

Thanks a great point. I guess I’ll wipe the ssd and start the installs. Thanks for the input.

180 day trial copies, but for testing purposes you would hope that that would be enough.

You would think so, but it took us 2 years to get off 9.05.607b. I hope this upgrade is easier. :slight_smile: