Insights 2024 - After Action Report

Pop that Ideas in, and I’ll vote for it!


Add Visual Cue to UI to indicate data behind stacked panels/tabs, Tree Leafs to reduce clicks - 5033


I’m interested in watching how/what PRISM will develop into. It is still early stages but has potential to disrupt lot of things. Dynamic documents is interesting but not sure where it is on the list of priorities. Besides that lot of small things and insights from a million conversations.

On a different topic, as promised, here is the link to the recording of my presentation for those interested.


We’re not yet going to lay out how it works on the inside publicly but a basic answer is - varies by use case, and month to month as the models out there are evolving rapidly. And only using things that provide the right data security constraints - eg. no training on your inputs.

Stay tuned though.


Honestly I find myself just awestruck at the speed of development of tools and integrations to work in and alongside Kinetic.

I only attended Insights once, about 8 years ago, and I forgot about the “uplifting” factor of attendance. It is good to gain confidence in seeing that Epicor is developing and acquiring to meet the needs of users for the foreseeable future. Application studio and its wizard, Automation Studio and functions are a great toolset for development. I know many of you have been using and living with these for awhile, but for later adopters, it’s so good to get hands on work with them via extended ed and labs, to break down the fear and inertia barrier, and see that they work!

Another thing (that might seem small but I really needed and did not realize) - I was forced to use the Kinetic screens in the extended ed and labs. (Necessity is the mother of invention :wink: ) They work much better than I had been expecting. I’ve been fretting getting our company online with them, and they definitely have some great benefits and are not that hard to get used to.



Something I have been waiting on for a long time

Add Visual Cue to UI to indicate data behind stacked panels/tabs, Tree Leafs to reduce clicks - 5033

We like this idea, and I think it’s a simple add FYI. Putting it on our low hanging fruit list of ui polishes for consideration, votes of course will help move it up the rank.


The reason is we use a custom chromium build compiled as a winforms .net component inside the client to run those screens and it is not as performant (with a gap large enough to see just by eyeballing it) and has a much worse memory management model than the big web browsers and some of you out there have run into out of memory crashes, etc that are very difficult for us to avoid 100%. We could seek out an alternate component that might have a different profile, but are choosing instead to double down on getting folks into “real” web browsers which is the long term path and get that component out of the stack.

Expect to see more push towards the browser-first mode where you can still launch a classic screen, but all the web based screens you are using just run in a “real” web browser instead of the embedded browser where they work best.

//edit: oh, which Tim was busy explaining in more detail while I typed this.

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Yes, the .NET Client will still be in 2025.1. We promised several years ago that we would give a ONE YEAR runway when we announce the deprecation of the .NET Client (AKA Smart Client). We unannounced reannounced that announcement. we also did NOT announce the deprecation of the smart client, so you can all put on your thinking caps and figure out that you have at least 18-24 months before the smart client has its sunset.
There ARE a couple of sunsets that we reminded people about:

  1. the Classic and Modern MENU have now (as of 2024.1) been removed from options when you log in. Whether you log in via the client, or the browser, you will get the Kinetic menu, and no longer have the choice to see the 20+ year old classic, or the 10+ year old “modern” menu. The Menu contents are all Kinetic. NOTE that you can STILL LAUNCH SMART CLIENT APPS… those are all still there!
  2. as of 2024.2, we are making one more step to get people into the browser. We are taking away the Smart Client Login screen. This is so that everyone will log in via a browser. Since everyone would still end up in the Kinetic menu, this gets everything working much more smoothly. YOU CAN STILL LAUCH SMART CLIENT APPS from the browser with the Browser First functionality we added in 2023.2… All we are taking away is the login screen (User ID and Password) from the smart client. Everything else remains.

Yes we added this feature, but it is still in preview mode. We still need to have some real-world testing of the feature to make sure that it works in real-world scenarios (outside of our small test database). We believe that it will work well, but there are use cases that we may not have considered.

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On Prem support promise comes from the top leadership! we all agree with the idea internally, and have leadership support!


the .Net Client is simply slower, and always has been (we didn’t throttle it). the Browser has much less “weight” to it, and simply works faster. not as much data needs passed, smaller footprint, etc. every side by side test I have done shows running Kinetic from a browser works faster than running the 20+ year old smart client to do the same thing against the same database.


Originally we had some roadmap items to improve the UI for FWB because the daily (or hourly use) of it can get really intense. I have seen people who use it, and they typically have a “script” that they go through to fulfill things, and doing this manually every time was not the best…
BUT THEN… we came out with Automated Fulfillment… When I first saw it I said "why even use the FWB anymore… and we need to rename it (It originally had a very obscure name, but we renamed it to reflect its purpose.
Essentially, once you decide your “script” of things you want to allocate/reserve/pick on a daily/hourly basis, you can put that into Automated Fulfillment, and schedule it to run regularly. The only reason for going into FWB in the future is to manage exceptions… and even those can be automated once you figure out that you need something regularly.
You can even write your own BAQs that would be used for fulfillment rules, making it even easier to see what is used and how it is used. It is truly life changing.

PLEASE!! Be a sceptic… AI is so new to the world, we need to make sure that it doesn’t make up things. BUT THAT SAID, even though it was a stage demo, it wasn’t smoke and mirrors… that was a real demo of real software. There was only one small thing that was displayed that was still incomplete, but is :safe_harbor: nearly done.

Glad our plan worked!
Rambo Lionsgate GIF by Rambo: Last Blood


Does that mean the saas download site is going to create a browser shortcut instead of a client shortcut on the user’s desktop?

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The new left-side tree view is great and we’re looking forward to it.

Prism demo was great and I can really see it helping our Sales & Finance teams.

As @Nancy_Hoyt mentioned it was good to see Kinetic UI advances from last year.


I’m coming to get UI.

tbd (:safe_harbor: Safe Harbor)… several options have been explored… one option I heard about was simply making it so that if you launch the smart client app, it will automatically launch your browser instead.

Speaking of Visual Cues, I posted this idea last year if anyone is interested in adding your votes…