Insights 2024 - After Action Report

I was impressed by the possibilities of Prism. Even in its simplest form, it could save A LOT of time on menial task work. I am skeptic since it was a stage demo, it could all be smoke and mirrors, but it’s healthy skepticism.

Kinetic UX appears to be finally usable in terms of customization, but just listening around the conference still a lot of people in pain with bugs likely related to cache issues and the infamous “Undefined” slide out.


I liked the new tree in the browser UX and the ability to search for any field in an application and it would take you the specific tab & field.


How would you describe Prism to those who didn’t see the demo?

I like this idea a lot and I can see it applied in other places. Moving toward an event-driven architecture like this would be easier to manage and customize - way nicer than creating your own Directives and Functions to do the same.


A personal assistant to make suggestions and get tasks done just like ChatGPT. The demo, for example, contextually understood that a widget for PO approvals was pinned to the Kinetic Homepage and asked if they wanted to approve the POs. You could do so from the chat window without leaving. It also suggested creation of dashboards, customization of dashboards, and helped scaffold out a plan and executed creation of Row Rules. One of those menial tasks that is small but across many of those could save a lot of time.

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Eva 2.0? There’s a list of related items in the link. I assume that certain capabilities add to the abilities of Prism then.

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EVA 7.0 it’s leaps and bounds beyond.

I was also extremely impressed by the prism demo but even more so by speaking with the people in the solution pavilion about it. I can’t remember the one person’s name that I spoke to, but he was able to answer all my questions about their approach, what kind of tasks its going to be able to do, how they deal with hallucinations, data security, etc. I am optimistic that it will (eventually) be far far more useful than the chat gpt type “tools” we have to play with today.

I think the challenge is that right now, the user needs to be smarter and more knowledgeable than the tool, to be able to know when the tool is wrong. So the usefulness of the tool is limited to just making things a little easier, and saving some clicks for the person who is already an expert. But the real ROI would be when you can give the tool to somebody that DOES NOT know ERP and have them be successful with it. I don’t know if that paradox will ever be resolved.


Is Prism Cloud only? Thought that all of the fun AI tools were not available for on-prem folks.

Please tell me I’m wrong.

I suspect it was Dr. @Aieat_Assam cause he is the best


Right now its for nobody because it’s not released. My understanding is that it will not be limited to cloud customers.

@knash in the Solution Pavilion they had a QR code you could scan that took you to an Early Access registration, it was valid for both Cloud and On-Prem customers.

Sorry I don’t have the link but I’m sure you could ask your CAM about it.

in that fine print of that QR code it said Saas Customers only but I suspect they’ll expand it later on.

Ah, the lady at the desk told me a little white lie. Shows how much I pay attention to fine print.

Here are the links I got from the QR codes for Early Adopter Programs for Knowledge Assistant and Prism if anyone missed them.




Agreed! I’m excited about the ECM!

This is correct - Prism is cloud services based and for immediate early access saas is simpler to deploy and iterate, but all this means is you need an internet connection not that it’s somehow saas erp only. Alas, I cannot fit a trillion parameter model on to your all’s local networks at present.

We’ll clarify all of this as it approaches GA though with official info.


That would definitely have been Aieat and/or Luigi (or maybe david, roberto). I’m glad to hear you came away with this impression and will pass it on to them.

Also, this is a really good take on why these are both potentially transformative tools and also things that require a healthy amount of skepticism and care to implement well. At least for today you’re the driver they are just speeding up finding things and doing things. Aieat probably would have called out the importance of human in the loop / supervision and there’s a significant amount of work going in to ensure you can always supervise, guide, and correct everything it does. Alas that’s all I can say for now - stay tuned though.

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Any automation around fulfilment workbench has the potential to remove customizations…I am happy about that…


What model are you guys using? Llama?

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