Insights 2021 - It is officially scheduled

So… Who is going? I am currently on the tentative list of people going to make presentations. Check out the info

This year, there will be the ever-valuable Extended Education starting on Saturday & Sunday… the rest of the conference is on Monday - Wednesday with lots of Labs, Presentations, etc.

Plan on experiencing all there is to see in the world of Kinetic with ERP 11.

See you Las Vegas July 10-14 2021


I already visited the web page this morning! You were late to the party @timshuwy

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I’d love to go, not sure it will be in the cards this year.

I would like to say I’m going but the company I work for still has a travel ban. We will see if it’s lifted by then.

I’d like to go as well, but if we haven’t reached herd immunity by then, there is no way on God’s green Earth that I would do that.

I would very much like to confer with both Beth and John, you’ve both been invaluable help on this site.


I was surprised to hear there was one this year which we could attend. We are still in the midst of this pandemic, even though vaccination is on going … I doubt it will all be done by then…

I can assume there will be a limited number of attendees to let distantiation be possible…

Will they offer remote access to the sessions for those who cannot be present?

Well I’m somewhat sad to say that I won’t be attending this year. This will be my first time missing Perspectives\Insights in 13 years. Wow, is that even possible? I’m old. :older_woman:

I wish Epicor would offer a Virtual Option for the Extended Sessions from the official Insights conference. I would pay to attend the Extended Sessions either Live or to view a recording of them afterwards with access to the materials. Seems like they should offer something like that this year at least. That might help them to recoup some money that they lost last year and possibly this year if attendance is low. :woman_shrugging:

P.S. Someone get up on stage and dance with Little Big Town for me please. :wink: LOL! :laughing:


I agree!!! Also, even if you’re there, you can’t be at every session because of scheduling conflicts. So to see a recorded regular session would be great too.


same. I am sure the company would allow it, but personally I choose not to go. Plus this COVID is unpredictable with the new strains, im not talking about me being brave or not – im talking about states or Governors forcing a shutdown again.

Plus you will be limited to fist-bumps, what’s the point if you cant hug (as a greeting).


This was my favorite part of my job while I was at Epicor. I hope the sessions are as good as or better than when I was involved. And HELLO to everyone that I used to connect with! I’m a project manager for a customer implementation right now.


I’m just in the middle of a 6 company implementation, so no hugs for me …

I would really like to go, but don’t see this happening as we are implementing Epicor 11 this summer.


Same boat for me! Finding it strange that Epicor doesn’t have anything on the website about COVID precautions (even checked the FAQ).

Edit: I actually emailed the Insights team about this topic. Will post what they say!


Congratulations Heather! :rainbow: :unicorn:


Us Aussies are still pretty much border locked, and would have to sit out a 14 day hotel quarantine on return. So will have to try for 2022 now!

COVID restricted budgets so the likelihood I will be able to go is low. :pensive:

Maybe the few of us trapped in GR can still have a get together of our own?! @hkeric.wci , @utaylor , @skhan, you up for it?

Even @Mark_Wonsil , @ERPSysAdmin , @Beth , can join us too, just a little more of a drive.


Oh the memories!!! I miss you! Not sure if I’m going yet, but I’ll take one for the team if I have to! :beer: :beer: :man_dancing: :man_dancing: :partying_face:


:blush: Ah, yes, Memories…although it’s kind of all a blur…LOL Aww, I’m gonna miss you too! If you take one for the team just make sure you get some video of it! :wink: :man_dancing:



It ALL was kind of a BLUR!! (and that picture is TOOOOOO funny!)

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I did email them about possibilities to remote attending… here is the response:

Hi Pierre,

Thank you for your interest in Insights 2021.

We expect the conference to be an in person event so at this time we do not have any option for streaming the sessions.


Holly Smith

Insights Team