Insert into from BAQ to UD

Good Morning,

I have played around with an UBAQ and have read several posts on here, but still can’t grasp how to go about this. It is similar to when I want to use SQL “Insert into”, taking query result set and populating an existing table.

Back story: I am working on making it easier for engineering to update several methods to a new revision, to facilitate ACAD drawing revision match with engineering revision in Epicor. Any part they want to “bump up” a rev in Epicor will be stored in UD102. Next there’s a choice for the engineer to “bump up” all parts with same attached drawing. If they say yes, my BAQ pulls all related parts w/ same drawing and I’d like to populate those into UD102 also.

So, can anyone throw me a bone on how to use UBAQ to load up Ud102? I suspect it’s via get list bpm on the UBAQ but I’m lost after this.


I just accomplished what it is I think you are describing.

Hi Eric,

Thanks, I have read your post but I’m still confused about how it’s done. Do you use the fill table by query widget as advised? Any chance you could show a few screenshots of your query/bpm?



Set Variable

Populate Fill Table by Query Action values

Set up table mapping

Configure Parameters of the BO Method

As you can see my BAQ populates the UD39 table.

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Thanks Eric! Now I think I can give it a whirl. :ok_hand: