I can’t get this input box to have only 2 decimal points. Every time I save it, it reverts back to too many zeros. How do I create a customization that sticks?
I change this and then clear cache and relaunch but it always reverts back.
This is the format I want:
Even the XML Editor says I have the correct mask values.
The control is probably being overridden by extended props of the dataview.
How can I investigate that? What are Extended Props of the Dataview?
Check out @josecgomez contribution on this thread: Can't get EpiNumericEditor to display an integer. V10.1.400.18 - #6 by josecgomez - ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum
Did you ever get this resolved. I have the exact same issue.
I don’t think we ever did figure it out. Just told the users to deal with it.
Now, we’re using our own custom web version of MES job entry (and using REST) so it’s no longer an issue for us.
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