Does Information Worker absolutely require a domain based server or has anyone been able to successfully install on a standalone setup?
> Is anybody using information worker? We are considering using it but,After we went live with Epicor 9, IW was one of my goals. As you know, IW
> would like some feedback on how it is working in other companies. We are
> looking for feedback on performance, how easy is it to use, are you
> realizing any productivity gains, and most of all what do you like or
> dislike about it. We are a manufacturing companies using many of
> Epicor Vantage modules. Thanks for any input you can provide.
> Is anybody using information worker? We are considering using it but,are
> would like some feedback on how it is working in other companies. We
> looking for feedback on performance, how easy is it to use, are youAfter we went live with Epicor 9, IW was one of my goals. As you know,
> realizing any productivity gains, and most of all what do you like or
> dislike about it. We are a manufacturing companies using many of
> Epicor Vantage modules. Thanks for any input you can provide.