Information on the Bill of Materials and cost roll up

@Will79 Isn’t costing fun!!!

mad scientist image


@Beth LOL! Yeah, so MUCH fun!..

But this issue has helped me learn a ton about this part of Epicor and everyone on here has been very insightful and given me much to think on and learn. It is much appreciated.

@Beth Can the cost rollup be done during business hours, or is it best to wait until after

Ok, so I FINALLY figured out the lat little piece I was looking for. This whole time I had been looking at the Std Material cost but only looking at the Operations Qty/Parent. Then it dawned on me, the Materials has a Qty/Parent. Once I adjusted that to where it should of been, the issue cleared up in Group print for a rollup. So now time to rollup and be done with this!

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@Will79 If it is only 1 part, you can do that during business hours. If it is more than a few, best to wait.

Glad to have helped!!

How long does the Load Costing Workbench Details process usually run? 1-12hrs?

Depends. We do our purchase parts first and then our make parts. We have super flat bills, so it only takes a few minutes. We might have 5000 make parts.

Mark W.

@hkeric.wci It didn’t take me very long, but I only did select parts.

I know this is an old thread but had a good discussion about the cost accounting.
Does anyone know how the Costing Workbench select the revisions for the component parts?
I was expecting to see the approved Revs with latest effective date if more than one Rev was approved. But i notice some component revs were not the latest / and some were not approved revs.
Are the component mfg part Revs static as per what was used during creating the method in Engineering workbench or does it update the Engineering workbench Revs automatically when a newer Revision is created? Or is there some process of mass revision update on BOMs to update the mfg components to newest Revs?

Epicor Support had told me, in a nutshell/paraphrasing, that with doing a cost rollup it selects the revision that was last used. From my experience, the effective date is not the only date it looks at. I am guessing it not necessarily by the date, unless there is a big enough difference. My guess is that it is based on some sysrevid.

Cost roll-up SHOULD use the effectivity date for the PartRev. IF you have two revisions with the same date, then the system probably uses the last one saved, but it is not best practice to have two revisions with the same date.

Well, I agree with you, but Epicor allows it and we do it. So that complicates a few things when doing the roll up. For when the dates are the same, Epicor uses the last one checked back in. It would be great if there was some option to pick how the cost roll-up is done for parts with multiple revisions.

In your case @Will79, your company is not using the system as designed. Hundreds of revisions on one part number with different BOM’s was not the intention of what they were designing. That’s like saying “I can hammer in a nail with the this electric screw gun, it doesn’t stop me!”

For the way you are using the system, I would design your own cost roll via BAQ and apply it with DMT. The system that epicor designed probably just isn’t going to work well with how your company has things set up, as they didn’t intend for use in the manner you are using.

I agree. Glad I was on the same thought process s you. I mentioned that to my VP and am working on that now.

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We’re in the process of getting ready for an annual mass cost roll. We have 3 plants setup in Epicor. I usually do the cost roll from the plant i am in.
I loaded mfg parts that i think are worthy of a cost roll (BOM in place with all Purchase components having a cost, Routing in place for all mfg components, Subcontract costs in place for top level and mfg components).
I have a queried a file from to give me all the mfg parts that have approved Revs with latest Effective dates. In our case 95% of the parts in my list of parts to cost roll have only one rev approved (:slight_smile: ) .
What i noticed is that Rev that the costing workbench pulls in also depends on the plant from where you’re rolling cost. If i have a part with two different Revs (one for plant A and one for plant B (only plant A Rev is approved with latest effective date). But if your trying to do a cost roll from plant B, then the costing workbench is pulling in the Rev that is un-approved for plant B.
So the hiearchy might be : Plant > Latest effective date > last check in date.

It looks like i have to seperate the parts by their plants and do the cost roll in all 3 plants to get the correct Rev.

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Just wanting to confirm some details…I have two revisions on almost all of our Part Revs. One is for regular production and the other is for production from salvaged material. They both have different Effective dates. But when I load my Cost Rollup details, only the most recent dated Rev appears. I thought this was only an issue if they both had the same effective date? Can you please confirm?

I had some similar and noticed the same thing. I think what is the most recent date rev used. That is how it worked for me when I had more than one Rev. However, almost all of my revs have the same effective date. But it doesn’t surprise me what you are experiencing. Seems Epicor logic is what is the most recently dated Rev, and use it. At least that is how it appears to be working for me.

My understanding from some testing is that the Hiearchy is based on:
Plant > Effective date > Approval date > Rev Number.

The costing workbench will only pull one Rev because you could only have one set of cost for a part

"One is for regular production and the other is for production from salvaged material."

You could make one of the revs “alternative Rev”. In this way, you could specify to load alternative method in the costing workbench.

If both Revs are active it will pick the Rev that was last checked out and In. That’s why we will be checking out several of our Revs going forward.

One additional important note re multiple SITES and alternate revisions… if you have multiple sites, and if you want to have different costs at each site, then you really also need to assign different costing IDs to each site, otherwise they share the same standard cost. For some reason, many people do not realize that they can add new cost IDs to the system.

Also notice that within the site cost maintenance, you specify which is the primary site to use to calculate the cost…

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