Index -1 is either negative or above rows count

Dear Team,
I’m trying update the record in PartLot db table through receipt entry form. But my record is inserted into table after that i got an issue. Kindly help on this.

I’m trying fix this issue in Convert.ToString() used in every in my code but, i don’t why its coming on this error. Please find the below screen shot for your reference.

Can you post the custom code you’re using? It looks like you’re trying to access a datarow before there is any data loaded in the form. Check your EpiViewNotification handler to make sure you’re checking that the current data row index isn’t -1.

the below code i used. where i made a mistake kindly give solution

 // **************************************************
// Custom code for HHLotNumberForm
// Created: 19/09/2019 19:23:11
// **************************************************
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Erp.Adapters;
using Erp.UI;
using Ice.Lib;
using Ice.Adapters;
using Ice.Lib.Customization;
using Ice.Lib.ExtendedProps;
using Ice.Lib.Framework;
using Ice.Lib.Searches;
using Ice.UI.FormFunctions;

public class Script
	// ** Wizard Insert Location - Do Not Remove 'Begin/End Wizard Added Module Level Variables' Comments! **
	// Begin Wizard Added Module Level Variables **

	private EpiDataView edvpartView;
	private EpiDataView edvpartLot;
	// End Wizard Added Module Level Variables **

	// Add Custom Module Level Variables Here **

	public string tmpLotNum = string.Empty;

	public void InitializeCustomCode()
		// ** Wizard Insert Location - Do not delete 'Begin/End Wizard Added Variable Initialization' lines **
		// Begin Wizard Added Variable Initialization

		this.edvpartView = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["partView"]));
		this.edvpartView.EpiViewNotification += new EpiViewNotification(this.edvpartView_EpiViewNotification);
		this.edvpartLot = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["partLot"]));
		this.edvpartLot.EpiViewNotification += new EpiViewNotification(this.edvpartLot_EpiViewNotification);
		// End Wizard Added Variable Initialization

		// Begin Wizard Added Custom Method Calls

		// End Wizard Added Custom Method Calls

	public void DestroyCustomCode()
		// ** Wizard Insert Location - Do not delete 'Begin/End Wizard Added Object Disposal' lines **
		// Begin Wizard Added Object Disposal

		this.edvpartView.EpiViewNotification -= new EpiViewNotification(this.edvpartView_EpiViewNotification);
		this.edvpartView = null;
		this.edvpartLot.EpiViewNotification -= new EpiViewNotification(this.edvpartLot_EpiViewNotification);
		this.edvpartLot = null;
		// End Wizard Added Object Disposal

		// Begin Custom Code Disposal

		// End Custom Code Disposal

	private void HHLotNumberForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs args)
		// Add Event Handler Code
		Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiGroupBox tmpGrpboxLotVal = (Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiGroupBox)csm.GetNativeControlReference("c205404a-5523-4c79-8a60-d9271a99b21d");
		string tmplotval = string.Empty;

		if( Convert.ToString(tmpGrpboxLotVal.Text) != "" || Convert.ToString(tmpGrpboxLotVal.Text) != string.Empty)
			tmplotval = Convert.ToString(tmpGrpboxLotVal.Text);
			string strlotval = Convert.ToString(tmplotval.Substring(tmplotval.IndexOf("/")+1));
			//string resval = strlotval[1].Trim();
			//string[] tmpLotNum = strlotval.Split('-');  
			string[] tmpLotNum = strlotval.Split(new[] { '-' }, 3);
			string tmpMfg = string.Empty;
			string tmpOwn = string.Empty;
			string tmpDon = string.Empty;
			tmpMfg = tmpLotNum[2].ToString();
			tmpOwn = tmpLotNum[0].ToString();
			tmpDon = tmpLotNum[1].ToString();
			if( Convert.ToString(tmpMfg) != "" && Convert.ToString(tmpOwn) != "" && Convert.ToString(tmpDon) != "")
				EpiDataView edvpartLot = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["partLot"]));		
				System.Data.DataRow edvpartLotRow = edvpartLot.CurrentDataRow;
				edvpartLotRow["MfgBatch"] = Convert.ToString(tmpMfg);
				edvpartLotRow["HeatNum"] = Convert.ToString(tmpOwn);
				edvpartLotRow["FirmWare"] = Convert.ToString(tmpDon);

	private void SetExtendedProperties()
		// Begin Wizard Added EpiDataView Initialization
		EpiDataView edvpartLot = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["partLot"]));
		// End Wizard Added EpiDataView Initialization

		// Begin Wizard Added Conditional Block
		if (edvpartLot.dataView.Table.Columns.Contains("MfgBatch"))
			// Begin Wizard Added ExtendedProperty Settings: edvpartLot-MfgBatch
			edvpartLot.dataView.Table.Columns["MfgBatch"].ExtendedProperties["ReadOnly"] = true;
			// End Wizard Added ExtendedProperty Settings: edvpartLot-MfgBatch
		if (edvpartLot.dataView.Table.Columns.Contains("HeatNum"))
			// Begin Wizard Added ExtendedProperty Settings: edvpartLot-HeatNum
			edvpartLot.dataView.Table.Columns["HeatNum"].ExtendedProperties["ReadOnly"] = true;
			// End Wizard Added ExtendedProperty Settings: edvpartLot-HeatNum
		if (edvpartLot.dataView.Table.Columns.Contains("FirmWare"))
			// Begin Wizard Added ExtendedProperty Settings: edvpartLot-FirmWare
			edvpartLot.dataView.Table.Columns["FirmWare"].ExtendedProperties["ReadOnly"] = true;
			// End Wizard Added ExtendedProperty Settings: edvpartLot-FirmWare
		// End Wizard Added Conditional Block

	private void edvpartView_EpiViewNotification(EpiDataView view, EpiNotifyArgs args)
		// ** Argument Properties and Uses **
		// view.dataView[args.Row]["FieldName"]
		// args.Row, args.Column, args.Sender, args.NotifyType
		// NotifyType.Initialize, NotifyType.AddRow, NotifyType.DeleteRow, NotifyType.InitLastView, NotifyType.InitAndResetTreeNodes
		if ((args.NotifyType == EpiTransaction.NotifyType.AddRow))
			if ((args.Row > -1))

	private void edvpartLot_EpiViewNotification(EpiDataView view, EpiNotifyArgs args)
		// ** Argument Properties and Uses **
		// view.dataView[args.Row]["FieldName"]
		// args.Row, args.Column, args.Sender, args.NotifyType
		// NotifyType.Initialize, NotifyType.AddRow, NotifyType.DeleteRow, NotifyType.InitLastView, NotifyType.InitAndResetTreeNodes
		if ((args.NotifyType == EpiTransaction.NotifyType.AddRow))
			if ((args.Row > -1))

This is the only thing I can imagine would throw an error related to a DataRow, but I don’t think it would be the IndextOutOfBounds exception you got. Try adding a check after the first line to check if edvpartLotRow is null before accessing its members.


I’m getting the same error.
Note: same error in Lot Entry form accessed from Receipt Entry form.

It’s already a string? Why are you trying to convert it to a string again?

This should work just fine, you don't need to convert a string to a string
    private void HHLotNumberForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs args)
		// Add Event Handler Code
		Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiGroupBox tmpGrpboxLotVal = (Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiGroupBox)csm.GetNativeControlReference("c205404a-5523-4c79-8a60-d9271a99b21d");
		string tmplotval = string.Empty;

		if( tmpGrpboxLotVal.Text != "" || tmpGrpboxLotVal.Text != string.Empty)
			tmplotval = tmpGrpboxLotVal.Text;
			string strlotval = tmplotval.Substring(tmplotval.IndexOf("/")+1);
			//string resval = strlotval[1].Trim();
			//string[] tmpLotNum = strlotval.Split('-');  
			string[] tmpLotNum = strlotval.Split(new[] { '-' }, 3);
			string tmpMfg = string.Empty;
			string tmpOwn = string.Empty;
			string tmpDon = string.Empty;
			tmpMfg = tmpLotNum[2].ToString();
			tmpOwn = tmpLotNum[0].ToString();
			tmpDon = tmpLotNum[1].ToString();
			if(tmpMfg) != "" && tmpOwn != "" && tmpDon != "")
				EpiDataView edvpartLot = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["partLot"]));		
				System.Data.DataRow edvpartLotRow = edvpartLot.CurrentDataRow;
				edvpartLotRow["MfgBatch"] = tmpMfg;
				edvpartLotRow["HeatNum"] = tmpOwn;
				edvpartLotRow["FirmWare"] = tmpDon;

Are you checking to see if args is null here?

	if ((args.NotifyType == EpiTransaction.NotifyType.AddRow))


In your HHLotNumberForm_Load

you are converting values to string but you aren’t checking if the values are null or not before you do it