Inco Terms

We ship internationally, so where in EPICOR do we put INCO Terms?

We simply added it to our Invoice Form and a Report I created which prints our Commercial Invoice.


It’s on the Order Entry screen, it’s called FOB. If you’re familiar with Incoterms, you’ll know FOB (Free On Board) is only 1 of the possible options.

Epicor seem to have misunderstood FOB/incoterms in my opinion.

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Epicor seem to have misunderstood FOB/incoterms in my opinion.

I would say most US ERP companies don’t handle this well…

FOB should really read “Shipping/Inco Terms” and FOB be one of the Terms. You can specify multiple terms in FOB. We basically modded Sales Order Entry do the label next to the drop down box reads “Shipping Terms” and then added FOB etc to the available items.

Before INCOTERMS, FOB meant Freight On Board which would simply describe the point which the title of goods transferred from on party to another. INCOTERMs tool transferring title of goods and liability to a whole different level. Epicor does need to catch up rephrase as you describe “Shipping Point/Incoterms”.

Patrick Winter

In E9 atleast they seem to be mixing Incoterms with FOB - See Documentation.

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