Including Drop Ship AP receipt in AP BAQ?

I have an AP receipt that is not showing on an AP receipt dashboard. The receipt is from a drop shipment. I have pulled Drop Ship Head into the BAQ, but am still not seeing the packslip/PO from the drop shipment. What am I missing? Thanks in advance.

[RcvDtl].[ReceiptDate] as [RcvDtl_ReceiptDate],
[POHeader].[DueDate] as [POHeader_DueDate],
[RcvDtl].[PackSlip] as [RcvDtl_PackSlip],
[RcvDtl].[PackLine] as [RcvDtl_PackLine],
[RcvDtl].[PartNum] as [RcvDtl_PartNum],
[RcvDtl].[VendorQty] as [RcvDtl_VendorQty],
[RcvDtl].[Invoiced] as [RcvDtl_Invoiced],
[PODetail].[DocExtCost] as [PODetail_DocExtCost],
[Vendor].[VendorID] as [Vendor_VendorID],
[Vendor].[Name] as [Vendor_Name],
[POHeader].[PONum] as [POHeader_PONum],
[DropShipHead].[APInvoiced] as [DropShipHead_APInvoiced]
from Erp.RcvHead as RcvHead
inner join Erp.RcvDtl as RcvDtl on
RcvHead.Company = RcvDtl.Company
and RcvHead.VendorNum = RcvDtl.VendorNum
and RcvHead.PurPoint = RcvDtl.PurPoint
and RcvHead.PackSlip = RcvDtl.PackSlip
and ( RcvDtl.ReceiptDate >= @Start_Date and RcvDtl.ReceiptDate <= @End_Date )

inner join Erp.POHeader as POHeader on
RcvDtl.Company = POHeader.Company
and RcvDtl.PONum = POHeader.PONum
inner join Erp.Vendor as Vendor on
POHeader.Company = Vendor.Company
and POHeader.VendorNum = Vendor.VendorNum
inner join Erp.DropShipHead as DropShipHead on
Vendor.Company = DropShipHead.Company
and Vendor.VendorNum = DropShipHead.VendorNum
inner join Erp.PODetail as PODetail on
RcvDtl.Company = PODetail.Company
and RcvDtl.PONum = PODetail.PONUM
and RcvDtl.POLine = PODetail.POLine
group by [RcvDtl].[ReceiptDate],

To resolve this, you’ll need to create a union query.

  1. Top-Level Query: Start with your standard PO Receipt tables and add a calculated field labeled ‘DocType’ with the value "PORcv".
  2. Union: Combine this with your Drop Ship tables, and include another calculated field labeled ‘DocType’ with the value "DSR" (or any identifier you prefer).

This approach will merge both standard PO receipts and drop shipments, ensuring everything displays correctly on the dashboard.