Importing DMT Memo Key1ColumnName?

I tried to import Memos related to Customer into E10 with DMT. They key1 field was properly populated in my Excel spreadsheet. But when I import and then examine the table, it looks like they key1 field is something different than what my spreadsheet had in it.

Could I run a delete query in the SQL to remove all those and try again?

What is key1ColumnName and what should an example value be for loading customer numbers? It’s not described in the template.


Where did you get the customer number from for your import? When importing customers into Epicor the customer number is given by the system so most likely will not match you old number.

What I did was import all my customers, built a simple BAQ (CustNum, CustID and Customer name) to export the Customer list in Epicor so that I could match them with my original list from the old program and replace the “Original CustNum” with the new one from Epicor.

First we imported customer table and received new CustNums which were auto assigned by the system.

Then we used those new CustNums to replace the old numbers in the Memo table.

Then I tried a DMT pass with the memo table for RelatedToFile=‘customer’.

What version of DMT are you using?

When I look at required fields for this is what I see.









I think your Key1ColumnName should be “RelatedToSysRowId”

We’re using the same version
Our Epicor is 10.2.100


Were you able to successfully import/delete the memo? Can you share one line of your spreadsheet?



Rommel Malay | I.T. Manager

Hendrick Manufacturing

D: (847) 608-2010

M: (216) 392-8934

Maybe something like this:

Company RelatedToFile Key1 Key2 Key3 Key1ColumnName MemoDate MemoNum MemoDesc MemoUserID MemoText
SD Customer 1 NULL NULL CustNum 2006-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 SHIPPING NOTES MANAGER CREDIT CARD ONLY!
SD Vendor 3 NULL NULL VendorNum 2012-06-12 00:00:00.000 1 Vendor notes MANAGER ACCT TO NOTE TERMS TO CALL FOR CC

Thanks Scott

Rommel Malay | I.T. Manager

Hendrick Manufacturing

D: (847) 608-2010

M: (216) 392-8934


I am getting the following error: “Column ‘RelatedToSysRowID’ does not belong to table Sheet1

Any idea on what that value should be?



Rommel Malay | I.T. Manager

Hendrick Manufacturing

D: (847) 608-2010

M: (216) 392-8934

I don’t have a column by that name in my sheet. I would remove it.

That’s odd. It’s required on my end. I actually used the sysid on the customer file and it worked.

Rommel Malay | I.T. Manager

Hendrick Manufacturing

D: (847) 608-2010

M: (216) 392-8934